
Then you may share in the abundance of shrimp.

And one world with nothing but shrimp...

He’s been to School school. Learning to make schools.


No one could play that role. We need another 20 years of CGI advancement to portray him perfectly!

Honestly out of everything what annoyed me most is the fact that they were given an opening theme that sounds heroic, at no point does anyone do anything to warrant that.

...each ;(

Nazi’s still existing to modern times is pretty horrific.

What if the events of November 8th 2016 and January 20th of 2017 are responsible for the invention of Time Travel, therefor altering them would be impossible! 

Mmmm marshmallow soup

What happens if you make cereal?

What kind of emulator does this “book” run on? I’m assuming anything Snes compatible?

What with an infinite multiverse this probably isn’t the first time this is happened...BRING ON THE CITADEL OF BETHS!

What about Joypads? Aren’t they bluetooth?

That’s a mater of perspective

But Sonic personally came to my house and put his little finger up my bum!

Now playing

I know this is an old article (wow 3 years old!) but wasn’t Eric Idle the first person to say “Fuck” in a video game?

Yea, Shirley the point of an outfit like that is to cool her down.