
If people don't believe stuff like this isn't dangerous, just remind them that Daniel Radcliffs stunt double in Harry Potter got paralysed.

He will live on in my Mega Drive!

I don't mind Hayter not being involved, but to me it's not Metal Gear without Kojima. Unless something in them strikes my interest I'll probably be giving Kojima-less Metal Gear a skip.

I'm not sure if it's the same one as above, but there was one version where you were infected and had a time limit (somewhat like RE Outbreak/Online)

What I don't get is how they turn that, which is clearly more Silent Hill than anything, into RE4 and Devil May Cry :S

But..Howard is green now...and doesn't go by Howard...

How close we talking, close enough they may as well have given you the upgrade straight off?

I still think the next film should be about Ghosts busting Ghosts.

Or maybe...just maybe Ghosts busting humans. But I'm not sure the world is ready for that.

Where are my mutant Space Camels!?

I'd rather have none than one, but two than none...

"The few items that were salvaged will be sold at public auction"

That is a very poorly place watermark :(

Perhaps I should have said "Shades", would you be happy with that?

Surely he missed a trick, don't tattoo's go blue/green given enough time anyway? I suppose it wouldn't have been as topical in 20-30 years :/

Surely no matter what colour you saw the dress as, we can all agree that it's different colours in these two images (because of the lighting);

...or not because we'll be dead and that's it.