
The only thing that annoys me about GZ is that you can't get a good close up on Snake, every time i've tried the camera focus's on the background making him all blurry :(

EDIT: Actually does anyone else have a second or less freeze when it autosaves? I'm thinking it's my hdd since I didn't find anything when googling.

I refused to use any other weapon, especially on the first level (since it had next to no armoured guys)


...Reservoir Dogs...

I was thinking it looked like Syphon Filter...

Come on everybody, do the Taser dance!

A friend of mine made a film in college that was called "Artificial Lake Canine".

I honestly couldn't tell you, as I said I thought the game I was thinking of was Crackdown, but Shadowrun sounds more likely.

The Titanfall was more recent, but your right they've tried this a couple times before that.

That was another one! I was initially thinking Crackdown, but Shadowrun sounds more familiar.

Am I the only one who thinks them naming stuff after Halo shows just how dependant they are on the franchise?

I think it was Titanfall.

Microsoft did try CPP a while back, but in their tests console players got slaughtered.

I'm a pessimist and MS have been adamant in the past about keeping their systems closed/isolated.

I wonder how long this will last before the cheaters ruin it...

Pff, games aren't about winning!

Sorry but I prefer the symmetry of a PS controller. (Previously PS2 currently PS3)

That's why he lives in that other Galaxy...

My 3ds Xl only came with an AC adapter because Tesco threw one in...