"but instead we all got Articuno, Zapdos and Moltros again for some reason"
"but instead we all got Articuno, Zapdos and Moltros again for some reason"
Sooo, when are those power plants rooms gonna open? :/
Personally I don't see a 'Z' game coming out. Partially because Zygarde is in XY. But you never know.
Or a birdhouse in his soul?
Now do it with Dialup modems!
Or with a laser...
I would have preferred it not to have real people in it, but I'm sure it'll be a fine film.
Even if I didn't prefer the 2d games over the 3d ones, that Knuckles design is enough for me to say no thanks. (he's my favourite after all)
"You keep your friends close & possible genetic clones of Adolf Hitler closer." - Mallory
Well I did only say possibly. As the poster below mentioned, it's mostly because of Wart being in both games, and them both being set in Dreamworlds.
It's weird they didn't mention how Links Awakening takes place in a dreamworld (possibly the same one as the US Mario Bros 2), but this was very informative!
FFVI is still my favourite:
Give it time. If we can make glow in the dark kittens, it shouldn't be too long now.
Yea, I figured :(
Cell processor super computer?
Build a super-server out of Cell processors?
There's a video I found when I searched "four swords" says it was available free till 20 feb 2011.... the fuck
I believe your thinking of Kinect.