That was my second guess.
That was my second guess.
Hmm, Digimon?
It's a test of strength/speed, apparently Cap'n merica has the record.
I think Jed wrote 3 episodes, compared to Joss helping write the pilot. But given there are 12 episodes so far...that's not exactly the majority. could auto-sign in on the 360....
Is there a room I can use to consume what is left of his essence?
Did I break Bobsplosion?
I still like this comic, even though I don't really have an opinion on the controller, and probably wont until I try one out for myself.
This is odd to me, since I know people with modded PS2's and Xbox originals, but no one with a modded Gamecube :/
You can always backup your savefile by finding where it is and copy/pasting it...
Phrases you see all the time on the back of video game boxes*: "Blood and Gore," "Intense Violence," "Strong Language."
Shooting doesn't require physical exertion, neither does chess :/ (Unless your ChessBoxing)
Your are Error, Error I say!
(I liked Zelda II, it introduced many of the elements that are now key features of the series.)
I'm aware of it, but it's too new for me to have done it in school.
I would say yes, but I've had that thought since we were made to do it in school. I have a funny feeling they did have hidden stuff for us to find along the way. That or we did do scavenger hunts and I'm confusing the two sets of memories!
Geocaching is too new for it to fit :/
For some reason I thought Orienteering was a fancy way of saying scavenger hunt, but google says I'm wrong :/
Not an essay...but how about this!
Smithsonian dubs videogames art, government dubs videogames sports, therefore sports are art!
Well Poetry used to be in the Olympics and currently they have shooting don't they?
Personally, I don't see the difference between Craps and boardgames that use dice, or between things like Connect 4 and Chess (although last I checked chess didn't become one because of the difficulty in telling the difference between…
But gaming is as much a sport, as sports are games.
Are you sure about the Sony bit? I thought they stated that they left out vibration because it wasn't compatible with the motion control? (although that clearly was a lie when since they brought out the Dualshock 3)