
I though that was either random, or personal preference? Regardless one of the rolls looks out of reach by a good stretch.

Oh that's what it says!

I kinda sorta hate how it has a "back" button. I'd be fine if it was select...

Maybe if should be "fanatics" rather than "owner".

Tch, kids these days...

Seatbelts? In cars? Not believable.

Actually, that is how it should be, just not how we want it. :P

....isn't that...South Korea....

Urm, no it's not, that's a horrible generalization.

I'm sorry, but it's like Lucas, I'll take the original version other his re-re-release.
Seriously, in the original versions it was ambiguous, there was no need to add in the eye thing to hammer it home one way or the other. Also, the book it's based on...

p.s that video doesn't exist.

I guess you've never played the Greatest Game Cube game then? Eternal Darkness?

Your gaming experience may require more that one GC controller...given the fear and anger you may face.

Anyway, why would someone give you something that sucks? THAT MAKES NO SENSE.

That's why...

...not in the version I watched...

Anyway, in this instance, MS is Deckard...

Midgar Serpent?

From what I've read, it can use a bunch of it's sensors, from the basic camera telling if your looking at the screen, the processor to tell specificity where your eyes are aimed, heart rate sensor might detect an increase if your excited (but maybe you just smelt bacon coming from the kitchen :D) I forget what else it

Do you know if DR3 is still cloud powered? I ask because last I read at Kotaku, DR3 is a launch title, but the cloud wont be there at launch...

That's the thing about exclusives, it's only Sony/Microsoft that want it. Surely publishers want everyone to buy their games, not just the fans of one system.

Also, PC :D

Yea, I hope so too, I was greatly disappointed when I found out 360 wasn't 1080, despite the game boxes claiming otherwise.