Yay! So glad you're giving The Balkanist some airtime, they're so great.
Yay! So glad you're giving The Balkanist some airtime, they're so great.
American Biblical literalists are currently spending their time to complaining about the lack of equal time in Cosmos…
USC knows how horrible this is. Comments and ratings have been disabled...in anticipation.
I am not going to watch this, and I wish horrible things upon those who made it.
Injecting race into it in the first place might have helped.
The weather was flawless. No visibility issues, no wind shear, etc. No distress call on approach. Coming from a family full of pilots, I feel I'm slightly more qualified than most when observing/analyzing info like this.
Wow this comment is vile instead of getting mad at a women who has just had a double mastectomy get mad at the people who control the Healthcare in America , also what Ladyology said she understand how hard it is for low income women to get this procedure.
Wow, you're a cold person to twist having to maim yourself in the name of preventative care into a 1% jibe.
I'm a twice-over immigrant. The number of times I've had people bitch about immigrants to me then pause and say "..but of course, I don't mean you!" is too damn high.