He is dead though: "Oestrike fatally shot himself after the crash..."
He is dead though: "Oestrike fatally shot himself after the crash..."
I think I'm giving up on humanity for a little while.
This shouldn't be "Filed to: CRIME", this should be "Filed to: WHAT THE CHRIST?"
NO ONE gets away with a Navajo-blanket poncho who is not a Navajo.
Do they have any company policy defining the difference between a whale and a hippo? I bet they do...
I think we need a shirt that says "No one gives a shit about your boner"
No, my sources are linked to in the post. The youtube video is a sound bite of her appearnce on the talk show.
Hmmm. Care to elaborate as to why it is they empower you? Just curious.
I feel empowered by these videos *shrug*
Jesus fucking Christ, really? Fucking REALLY? You're going to ignore all the other shit in favor of the one fucking thing that's only contextually bad (because it's coming from this cockbag)?
The context matters. If you said something about Africa while also throwing the N-word around, it does make it racist. If you said something about Canada while also saying something racist about Inuit people, that would indeed make it racist.
Yeah, this pretty much reads like a chain email.
The owners of a NYC restaurant were receiving far more complaints than they used to about the kitchen speed and…
Man the more details that come out the more angry I am that we do not have adequate laws to protect people from DV. That and the "I love my guns." nuts.
I would love to see a less shopped picture of his after look. ...and I am totally in the "if he is happy, go for it" camp.