
@xAnarChisTx: Yeah, I put Small Guns as one of my three skills to get +15 at the start, and have been adding 10 points to it each level. By the time it hit 60 I could make head shots half way across the Super Duper Mart with the 10mm pistol. It does still take a few shots to do it, though. It reminds me of Stalker

@Rob P.: I think the WMP comparison is the most applicable because most people consider WMP11 to be bloatware, and iTunes is over twice as large, with more running services. I don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about the size/resposiveness of WinAmp.

@keppj0nes: They would have to report it to the IRS as income for whomever won it, then that person would have to pay taxes on it. Just like if you hit a large jackpot in a slot machine in Vegas, the casino has to get you to fill out a W2 and they report the winnings to the IRS. In the end, you'd have to pay 20-30% of

I won't have any problems: