I was so annoyed by the whole thing, I never even considered that.
I was so annoyed by the whole thing, I never even considered that.
Avocado oil? That sounds like something I wish to bathe in.
It makes me feel so much better to know I'm not the only one who loves these shitshows.
Yes. I read the narcissistic parents subreddit and apparently gifts are they best way for them to screw with people. It's heartbreaking.
Me either. I'm way too poor to be spiteful.
Yes! I didn't know this was a thing! That makes even worse I think.
Yeahhh, this is just one of the MANY ways she was spiteful and terrible. she's the kind of woman who sends candy to diabetics and sent my mom a Shari's Berries for her birthday...my mom is allergic to strawberries.
I have a goodie! Three years ago, my grandmother on my mom's side decided since my sister and I didn't have children, she wasn't speaking to us. Mind you, I was 24 and my sister was 21. Both very single.
This will get lost but....
I was only teary eyed until reading your comment. Now I'm actually crying. It's a beautiful and devastating metaphor.
Agreed. Bear Jew is amazing.
So, do I buy this shirt? I wish to have one. But don't want to buy one if the background of it is shady.
That was painful to read. I couldn't even finish it. Who has that kind of time to make up nonsense?
It fills me with glee that people get angry about your comments. I've yet to read something from you that isn't funny.
I wish I had friends cool enough to play this drinking game. This would be HILARIOUS!
I can't even think of the two characters you speak of, that's how memorable they are : /
Something told me I shouldn't follow the Natural Harvest link...I did it anyway and now I can't stop reading.
This woman probably thinks Dolores Umbridge is delightful.
She looks like a Dalek Queen.
So he's the worst kind of asshole?