Looks like they've found a happy medium for the inventory/weapon system, between ME1's cumbersome interface and ME2's extremely simplified mechanics.
Looks like they've found a happy medium for the inventory/weapon system, between ME1's cumbersome interface and ME2's extremely simplified mechanics.
Exactly why I didn't wear the Cerberus Armor.
I'm willing to give it a shot, though I hope you guys don't end up fixing something that ain't broke.
There's just no pleasing some people.
My true snowboarding game love is still 1080.
Gotta admit, I like all the tally marks on the Shep armor.
I like the desk shots best. Darth Salaryman!
We're gonna need a bigger scope.
Also, my take on the uniboob dress:
Re Lana Del Rey: I think one of the reasons why the zeitgeist is currently obsessed with her is that we— we Americans in particular— are ardent believers in the right to self-reinvention. (I think Leigh's article touches on this without explicitly saying so.) Take the extremely disparate examples of Larry the Cable…
The thug pandas are what really made it for me.
Having been to France a few times, Quick is definitely my favorite European burger joint. I'd say it's the next step up from McD's, equivalent to Whataburger (for us Southerners) or In-n-Out (for you Westerners).
This one, on the other hand, eagerly anticipates playing as Blasto, the elite Hanar Spectre.
I don't always promote vitriolic comments; but when I do, I like them to be like this.
Owen, I'm disappointed that you left out Freddie's magnum opus She's All That. Truly one of the most influential 90s teen movies. Anyways, I've heard tell that he and his missus have some nerd cred.
So glad I'm not the only person who thought it was a condom.
Girl Talk>Skrillex
This thread needs even more Tallahassee.
The Last Express is friggin' fantastic, and I can't recommend it enough. It needs to get on Steam.