
Having just recently finished a graduate program myself (in the dreaded humanities, no less), I can’t help but be amazed that the two students found time to pursue this. I spent the past year up to my eyeballs in research and writing and had no time for university politicking or protesting funding cuts.

I’ve lived in Tucson for three years now and I’m still not tired of seeing these guys flying around town from Davis-Monthan.

Must be an updraft here.

A decade ago when I was in high school it was all “tasty plasma” this and “scrumptious Xbox” that.

We should just be able to ditch the hood entirely at this point. It's an iconic look but way too incongruous for stealthy killers.

I too am adding everybody in this thread. I'm 2809-9105-4205.

I don't trust anyone in a spirit hood.

It's past due to ditch the hood from the costume design. However iconic it is for the Assassins, it's outlived it usefulness as a disguise and is downright incongruous in the early 18th century Caribbean.


There's caucasian Georgia, and then there's Caucasian Georgia.

So, which is more disturbing: whiteboy dreads or whiteboy cornrows?

This is an attractive theory, because it provides a plausible reason for what turned a PR snafu (not knowing your audience, i.e. making a non-gamer appeal to gamers) into a full-blown PR nightmare (each subsequent "explanation" ends up creating more uncertainty rather than clarification, and the whole shitstorm

Buster Posey!


Stupid, stupid Collector creatures!

Another lesson: one can make a perfectly viable living selling these fine leather jackets.

Now playing

LucasArts was a shell of its former self, but even so, this is a sad day.

It's unfortunate that we often temper our sexism with cynicism.

How much longer can this go on before we run out of screenshots of miscellaneous cataclysms destroying SimCities?