
Follow the money.


That's 65% more bullet—per bullet!

They'll keep fighting...and they'll win!

"The Book of Enforcement" sounds like the best thing since the Royal Navy's Articles of War, 1757 Edition: []

Since I'm all jazzed up for it, I wanna talk about L.A. Noire. Earlier last week there was a post about all the different preorder bonuses— and while I know this is all kinda moot since the bonuses will be released for everybody eventually— I got to thinking: would you rather have a new costume that confers benefits,

I don't really understand the fawning over FemShep vs. GuyShep. Yes, Jennifer Hale is a voice-acting demigod, but Mark Meer isn't as horrible (to my ear) as people like to say he is, and I prefer his more deadpan delivery.

GameStop's "Naked City" case seems like the coolest one to me, but I'm still getting the game from Amazon since I've got credit to burn from them. I'd rather have an extra case than another outfit (just to prolong the initial game playthrough), but since everything will be released eventually it doesn't matter.

Every single Final Fantasy protagonist has been a strong woman, nyuk nyuk nyuk.


Fool! You've doomed us all!

Weird indeed, since the scruffy blue shirt guy has a shadow. Ooops!

Lame pun promotion!

I've got high hopes for getting my Raymond Chandler on in L.A. Noire.

Well, that was gratuitous.

I like the house, a lot.

Amazing how slapping a pair of Woody Allen frames on her makes Jack look straight outta Williamsburg. But for authenticity's sake they should've inserted a disgruntled-looking Hasidic Jew in the background.

It's actually very hipsterish to make fun of hipster. Oh God, it's all so meta!

To be honest, I'm much more interested in seeing this Job film made than Uncharted: Drakey Drake.

This guy, the dude from Cloverfield, the Blair Witch kids— what is it about operating a camcorder that makes you a jackass?