
Fire Emblem when one of your characters dies and you have to restart. Though ironically that’s supposed to be part of its charm.

Unexpectedly played through Journey, thanks to the flash sale. Best five bucks I’ve spent in awhile. What a moving, beautiful experience. Totally get the acclaim now.

Well, you’re kind of ignoring the fact that developers are often asking for more cash for DLC and season passes. So yes, the price has technically stayed the same, but from a limited viewpoint.

You think the SP was a gimmick? At the time, that thing saved me so much eye strain and money. (No more holding my handheld under a light; no need to buy batteries anymore.)

I don't see why they'd talk about it. They have nothing to gain from discussing what it was about. If we like it, then we'll all cry "Boo, it's canceled" (and they'll get hit if their next project pales in comparison); if we don't like it, then they just look like they wasted seven years.

Hold up — if there's a Triforce cup, per that screen cap, does that mean we'll be getting Zelda-themed courses? Because I might just keel over from being Master Sword-slain if that's accurate.

I was hoping there'd be a Bravely Default shout-out somewhere in here.

He didn't make that up. It's how it's referred to here.

In which case, I think the mistake was letting Sakurai make Kid Icarus, which was honestly kind of a disaster. It wasn't particularly well-received by critics (it did "OK," but I doubt that was what they were hoping for), and wasn't exactly a long-term system seller.

Amen. That is all.

Year of Luigi overstayed its welcome, if you ask me. There's a reason he's been the Robin to Mario's Batman all these years.

I'm more disturbed that Nintendo has decided that it's a fair judge of what's appropriate in society and what's not. Nintendo's role is as a games company, not a censor.

As much as I imagine I'll enjoy this, my concern is that I'll have beat it within six or so hours, much like with the New Super Mario Bros. games. In which case, why am I paying so much money for such a brief experience?

Um, how exactly do you clock more than 100 hours playing New Super Mario Bros. 2? I think I finished that game in some ridiculously short play time — six hours or so.

The blue light as its signature? Hm, something sounds familiar about that ...

Part of the fun of buying a new phone is the changing exterior. I don't think this would catch on.

I bought it, played it, and loved it. Would definitely agree that it's criminally underrated — almost popped it in for a quick play session the other day, actually. But didn't, because ... well, I can't explain why. (Which almost seems to be the point of this entire blog post.)

What, no love for Grandia II or Skies of Arcadia?

I just can't at the doorstopper, hatchet and dustpan images. Literally crying.

Oh gosh, Lunar. What fond memories I have of that game ...