I've been reading a lot of arguing on both sides, those who think the work is sexist while others who argue that it isn't. Its also probably safe to say that a majority of the people arguing are probably male.
I've been reading a lot of arguing on both sides, those who think the work is sexist while others who argue that it isn't. Its also probably safe to say that a majority of the people arguing are probably male.
That's only one of the kitsune though, there's the other one too. The guy has amazing art but I don't believe he has a deep thought process about fertility and subtle nods to lore... I think he just uses giant tits because he or his audience likes them. Unless you get a confirmation from him then I'll stand by the…
Agreed. this poster has copy'd this multiple times which seems to imply that only necromancers are incredibly bust when this is false. Just look at the Kitsune in demon blade murusama who have giant tits too
an enjoyable title but hardly 'the best' ever. There are much better shows out there. If you like sci-fi I'd recommend Texnoloyze or the recent 'From the new world'
I would not recommend talking to a real Japanese person then.
I'm squinting but I believe your avatar is from Oyasumi PunPun
that scene really was pretty awkward. they'll probably just fix it up in the DVD/Blu-ray release
I really doubt someone is going to go 'damn that looks like a bad ass cyborg costume and waitaminute he has heels! hahahah so gay!!!'
people have already brought up some good points and I wanted to add a few more. Why does a game on console cost 60$ as opposed to steam? consider that steam is all digital which means they don't have to save money on printing/manufacturing the game, they don't have to spend money on a warehouse, and they don't have to…
but then again is a job at best buy really worth holding?
nothing wrong with thinking outside the box... though this is indeed ridiculous
As I said speculation says this is peacewalker 2, ground zeroes. Everyone's speculation is that we play with an older grey big boss in the game, but that the events in phantom pain are another hallucination, ala the sorrow fight
More then likely its going to continue the story of MGS peace walker which takes place before Metal Gear 1
He survived a bomb blast or so people are saying, so the bandages are not for show
Prepare to feel depressed after Drakengard 1 is done mangling your soul
Drakkengard 1. specifically the ending where you Caim and his dragon get shot down in modern day tokyo. You said drakengard 2
on the note of school boy anime, watch the daily lives of highschool boys. Its frigging hilarious and different people watch it for different reasons: I find the antics hilarious as it reminds me of my high school life (well some of it anyway), while my fiancee and her friends think some of the guys are cute in the…
well you there's still some great titles out there, you just have to look real hard now. Since you enjoyed cowboy bebop I'd recommend checking out Sakamichi no Apollon/kids on the slope, and anime from the director of bebop.
Couldn't agree 100% . Its hilarious to watch the males totally get butt hurt over this portrayal of men as manservice/beefcakes, but don't blink an eye to all the loli/pantsu anime that has been going around for ages.
damn it they had just 1 left for the 20$ backer and it was gone after I tried to get it