
What exactly is a 1/5 year relationship?

I went to a private, Protestant HS. The rubbish they tried to push and teach amazes me now. Good on those young adults for standing up and supporting the wider community.

They are making an army of 6 year old, cheese singles loving Wolverines.

Gay is the new communist? Those damnable LGBT+ sleeper cells.

I dunno. Sounds like he is seriously conflating a whole bunch of identities into a very narrow spectrum of labels.

This whole affair makes me inordinately happy. Save the can't show the gays kissing thing.

Wait ... wait. Homosexuality is now spiritual cancer? But it also attacks the body... so actual cancer? I am confused O Republican stalwart lady.

Orange, red and blue shirt. Sigh. The man clearly needs some gay friends in his life.

Terrorists too, thanks to Glenn Beck being ever insightful.

Yeah, anti-vac places choose those names for that purpose, that allusion to legitimacy. In Australia, one was legally required to change their name (under Fair Trading laws) from Australian Vaccination Network to Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network.

Yeah, I think so.

I saw the pilot a month or so ago when it aired, and it was definitely the best of the Amazon pilots they ran at that time (there were around 5 think). The only problem I can see occurring, is the over focus on the three children, which had more focus than Maura herself. Plus there were a few side eye moments with

Especially if it's Xena and Gabrielle cosplay.

Neat! :)

It's one of the major benefits of them being classed a territory instead of a state - where they are essentially self governing and not beholden to the constitution when creating laws. Granted the Government can later repeal these but that's unlikely here.

The one and only possibly good thing about CPAC is that it was on camera for everyone to see. Ann Coulter wishing for anti immigrant death squads, that was ... something.

But not rainbow coloured sprinkles. :(

Will do. :)