
No Lafayette? So, so disappointed.

11. Myer Briggs Type Indicator. Especially as a employed by companies to screen applicants.

I think as easter eggs/cameos - tongue in cheek background appearances, would be good for the original cast. That's as much as I'd concede them.

My theory which is also Very Wrong is that Frankenstein is also doing a Jekyll/Hyde thing with Caliban.

I found Rigor Mortis amazing for much the same reason.

Sinbad was surprisingly decent, disappointed it wasn't renewed for another season. I think as T.V. garnered more renown, better actors and the like, the executive side of willing to support less than top tier television diminished. Which is a shame.

What annoyed me about the pilot was the giant huge metal rich car they were using for a garden bed. In the future of rare resources, stripping a car of valuable metal wasn't deemed a sensible priority. The show was dumb all around.

I think this is the Rob Leifeld goes to Japan documentary.

Granted it's still the only Western I like. But it's a Western and I liked it.

What exactly is a 1/5 year relationship?

I went to a private, Protestant HS. The rubbish they tried to push and teach amazes me now. Good on those young adults for standing up and supporting the wider community.

Best slapstick comedy around.

Is it set in the same universe? No idea, I've only read a couple of his books.

Why do all the guys look like they were at the same casting for the same part?

Eh. I've seen this. Quite disappointing.

Two opposed psychotic killers see who can kill the most innocent people in an attempt to stop each other. One of these I am supposed to cheer for. Nope.

They are making an army of 6 year old, cheese singles loving Wolverines.

Gay is the new communist? Those damnable LGBT+ sleeper cells.

Trending Nights?

I so want a running death tally/counter at the end of each show, then shamelessly carry on past 100 deaths.