
+1 for correct Canadian spelling.

Rick Barnes: "Justin, can I have my assistant get you anything?"

Did you actually read the story?


The French would like a word.

Well, at least they didn't pull this in the final minutes of a conference title game.

Let's be honest, 70% of Congress could fold tomorrow + nobody would notice a difference w/ possible exception of increase in passed legislation.

God forbid people get paid for their work.

What Ian meant to say was bababooeybababooeyhowardsterns Penis.

I wish Ukraine all the best, but I think they're going to have some trouble if this comes to a military conflict. They may have misunderstood exactly what a paratrooper is.

Following which the hawk said, "Alright, motherfuckers, who did that?!"

Not impressed...will not be throwing hat on ice...

I honestly don't see the problem here. You don't deserve to play if you can't handle softball questions.

Try to imagine Gregg Popovich or Erik Spolestra treating a player like this. Coaches like Frank Martin are power-tripping rage monsters who get off on bullying kids, and they can fuck off.

NFL:NCAA football :: EPL:Serie A

Ugh. After listening to this, I can only imagine how shitty Ezra must have been.

Sounds like they've made a deal...

What the fuck is this abortion of a comment system?