
What's wrong with that question?

How much memory is that picture taking up? Because I heard that having pictures on your computer will slow it down.

The original list had ELIJAH BALEY and you're pining for the Will Smith character in the horrible movie version of I, Robot? Seriously?

Does he count?

"Thank you. I did the fjords, I like doing all the crinkly bits." - Slartibartfast

[Touches envelope to forehead]

It could use a little more character, but I'll take an understated ride over most of today's overdesigned cars any day. A dedicated P1800 recreation would be something else though...

So Jones is slow, stupid, easily manipulated by outside forces, and can be easily defeated by a Canadian from Montreal?

moderately horrified

Really? CNN has a Red Chair now? If John Boner or Michele Bachmann sits in it, can we flip it over like Graham Norton's Red Chair?

I guess he was blinded by the light...

Item one: Check

It was a great invention, and he sued Thermos GmBH for manufacturing it without giving him money for it.

Rocket Man is of course, Elton John.

Now playing

PLEASE give this a listen; it's an amazing song. From the Canadian group FM, I give you, "Phasers on Stun"

Now playing

While it may not technically 'out-favorite' Bowie or Monae in my personal sci-fi song list, Yes's Starship Trooper (though its sci-fi connection might just be nominal...) has a special place in my heart, and is the song that made me fall in love with prog.

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History proves again and again that this is the greatest

21st Century Schizoid Man