Yeah it’s kind of a bummer Zelda essentially gets “fridged” 5 minutes into the game because she’s apparently not allowed to exist as anything more than a trophy to be won for any mainline Zelda games.
Yeah it’s kind of a bummer Zelda essentially gets “fridged” 5 minutes into the game because she’s apparently not allowed to exist as anything more than a trophy to be won for any mainline Zelda games.
Yeah, I am aware of Cadence of Hyrule, I was actually just playing the original Crypt of the Necrodancer the other day lol.
A "Disappointingly Impotent" status effect would be rather amusing.
I’m fine with that. Two solid titles seems like a good point to transition to a fresh take on the series. Better that then going along the route of extremely similar games with minor differences every couple years.
That makes it sound even worse. So not only can you join all factions, even the ones opposed to each other, but when you join any of them it’s essentially just “Go to X and shoot people” no matter what?
Yeah some of the stories are absurd and unbelievable but this one isn’t even that. The entire story boils down to “person escapes death because they happened to be awake when something dangerous happened”.
There is the obvious truth that it’s simply more dangerous to be a person of color when interacting with cops than being white, and the other obvious truth that the douche in the post went out of his way to out the guy for no reason, approaching max levels of Karen-ness for reasons that can at best be described as…
I’m guessing it’s either because
Ah that does make sense. The way these articles are written make them difficult to parse sometimes lol.
I’m a bit confused here. So they get fined 4 million but can get 2 million forgiven if American Airlines refunds the affected people which could be over 2.5 billion?
“The director, who would like to see his version of the 2016 movie released, says he was once rumored as a candidate to take over DC Studios”
Your worst case scenario is likely the best case scenario, and your better case scenario is basically a pipe dream.
First regarding the headline, you can’t really call it a “free trial” if you have to pay any amount. Even if it is a negligible amount.
Oh I 100% agree, I don’t go to these games for the main story either. But the way the statements here were made is something happens near or at the end of the game that totally changes how the game is, and for the better, but you have to devote 40+ hours to the main quest to do that.
Very situationally dependent but it is possible. Being a moderator for the Minecraft Forum helped get me a QA testing job at Activision and I used that experience to pivot to my current career.
Yeah if anything this puts me off wanting to play the game. Bethesda hasn’t made a good main quest in all the time I have been playing their games (started on TES Oblivion). In fact, despite putting well over 200 hours each in Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, and FO4, I’ve only actually finished the main quest for FO3 and that…
Well he could have actually purchased them and the retailer he got them from broke the street date agreement. Which is something that can get them in hot water with game publishers but isn’t technically illegal, at least not for the person in question. Maybe for the retailer but even then it’s more of a civil breach…
Wow it's like the "instead of bonuses we're having a pizza party" thing that businesses do, but even worse. At least then you get a meal.
That doesn’t really make sense. Microsoft wouldn’t bother trying to do that because
It’s funny how I never expected to read an article like this, yet absolutely none of the information within it was surprising.