
Oh good, the director who pretty much only makes shitty movies has decided to make obscenely long shitty movies. I’m overjoyed.

Well if anyone would know, it would be this guy*

I don’t know how this compares to the first game but if it is similar to the first game at all then calling the bosses damage sponges would be very disingenuous on Levi’s part.

The post indicates just the seat, but it makes some sense that it would take so long. If they hadn’t upgraded the seat before the recall and if other bike versions have seats not compatible with this bike they would need to fully replace the manufacturing of this seat with a new one. And they would have to put the

Well, the one styled after a Hawaiian shirt is nice. Hoodie is kinda cool too.

It’s an interesting study but I don’t think it’s necessarily a direct causation or reverse causation. Looking at the data in the study (good for you JAMA for having it available without a paywall), there’s also correlations between this group and having lower household income (73% made 41k USD or less), lower

I’m with a few of the others here. It’s against the rules, but as long as you aren’t surpassing the actual possible limits of what a Pokémon should be I find it hard to call it “cheating” specifically.

I’m curious as to how much this would reduce the lifespan of the overclocked hardware.

This is one case I would be alright with them making an AI version of his voice using old files and having him record additional lines for the training set if needed, provided they pay him for the additional training lines and then payed some sort of residuals for any lines of his that are reused or generated via that

Thanks for the responses all. I misread the description of muting and thought by “prevents responses from appearing on your feed” meant they couldn’t reply at all to your tweets, not that you simply couldn’t see them.

I’m as anti-Musk as pretty much anyone else here, so my asking of this is not me defending him. It’s actually because I’m sure I must be missing something because if he supports doing it it’s pretty much guaranteed to be a stupid idea lol.

The first two aren’t necessarily different from taxis, YOU had a bad experience one time but rideshare apps can absolutely not be available depending on your area, time of day, and other users and drivers can just not show up or reject rides.

That was my thought as well. Keep Kiryu to the mainline games, maybe give him a cameo or two.

You don't need to own a dick to count on it, all you need are a few friends willing to be your personal abacus. 

It shouldn't affect Timed Out users, as that's just a "stfu for a bit" function, not a "fuck off forever" function. 

If you had read the post you would know the games can still be downloaded and played, just no new games can be purchased. 

Yeah looking at the roster for the first game and... That’s pretty shit.

So wait does each strike last 6 months from the date they are given no matter what or do timers reset if they break a new rule?

Man Gwenyth Paltrow is gonna be pissed when her goop channel gets banned (assuming they actually treat this rule equally among everyone, which they won’t).

I would hold off then. I still enjoyed the movie but it’s definitely a cliffhanger.