Alrighty, it’s a post about speedrunning a new/large game so let’s get all the responses to common comments out of the way:
Alrighty, it’s a post about speedrunning a new/large game so let’s get all the responses to common comments out of the way:
Thank you Giz for not making this a slideshow.
“People who want things to change only want the things they dislike to change, not the stuff they like.”
Tears is the sequel to the best selling game of one of the most beloved series of all time, one that is a decade older than the Harry Potter franchise. It’s also one of the few majorly popular switch titles released in all of 2023, so there isn’t a ton of competition from other titles.
Because doing that doesn’t really do anything to fix the problem. People are still going to want the “higher” glory, and are still going to used hacked Pokemon to do that.
If that was the point of the competition things like Street Fighter and Smash competitions likely wouldn’t exist. It’s way more about showing skill with a roster of characters and formulating strategies and coming up with other plans when needed. It's not about showing off the fact you spent 80 hours tediously…
Yeah I thought their “fix” was exceptionally weird. And it’s so very close to a fix that would work for what they want which is to roll a die for each potential option reliant on dice rolls and when loading the list of possibilities and if you fail the dice roll that option does not show and you are never told it…
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the web devs for these sites have devoted all their time to creating a sentence parser that scrapes every new article and shoves all the links in where it may be relevant.
And nothing of value was lost. Seriously, there wasn't really anything Cortana could do that wasn’t possible by just typing in the Windows menu, and doing that was often faster.
If I was in this position I would hire someone specifically to dig into tweets from these people to dig up their Steam/PSN/Xbox account, taking a screenshot of the threatening tweet.
I haven’t gotten it yet but I know I’ll be in the same camp as you are regarding this. It definitely makes sense why people have issues with the other characters feeling less like their own person, but I see it as being useful from both an ease of gameplay perspective and in a way I see it from a “realism”…
Well, considering the US life expectancy is about 77 years of age (about 81 for women specifically), one could argue that the cutoff for mammograms based on the “Screening should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live at least 10 more years” guideline lines up with being about 70 years…
Yeah that was my thought. Neither "DLC" nor "Expansion" requires an increased level cap or using existing characters. Do side stories, stand-alone modules, add features or content into the existing world, new character classes/races, there's all sorts of shit they can add without adding specifically to the end of the…
That’s my big issue with “ghost kitchens”. You, me, everyone who is fortunate enough to be able to occasionally order food or eat out keeps a subconscious list of places we will or will not eat at and why. With a ghost kitchen a burger could be made a definite “yes” restaurant in one city and then Denny’s in another.
Not to mention how sluggish and awful all the movement felt. Idk why Rockstar thinks a thin, healthy dude in his mid-30s has the agility and stamina of a guy trapped in a fat suit. Friggen Andre the Giant weighed over 500 lbs and could beat Arthur Morgan in a mile long footrace.
And it’s on a thousand different YT channels in 3... 2... 1...
I would imagine the bandwidth is very little. More than likely there's just a script that runs any time these items change that pushes the new info to Twitch. So the PC processes as normal with an extra KB or two being sent each time those updates happen, and then viewers are pulling it from Twitch's copy.
The same place their angry opinions about optional game content comes from: 1955.
Eh, who cares about someone buying the card? I want the gigantic ring prop they used for close ups in the movies.
That was my thought as well. Delisting and offering refunds would have cost much less than (presumably) pulling people off of other shit to help push out a bunch of fixes.