
Yeah, then it would have been a slightly less shitty, ugly game instead of a shitty, ugly, broken game lol

I’m not faulting the movie for this, as I’m sure it was announced somewhere prior to release that the movie would not be a full story and is a two parter, but I didn’t know that going in.

I wouldn’t really say it is “more work” because the dev/publisher don’t really need to do anything other than a checkbox for the license type to be “Play Anywhere” instead of “For X system only”. The license binds to the account so when the user logs in on their account the system automatically pulls what games they

My only question is this: WB US and WB Japan are both WB, right? Same parent company? Why wouldn’t WB Japan’s marketing department that presumably runs the Japanese twitter account just kick the complaints up to HQ internally rather than do it publicly via Twitter?

Because phone systems have become a lot more complex than they were in 1995. For a few minutes of effort or a few dollars if I'm feeling lazy I could make it look like a phone call is coming from pretty much anywhere in the world that I want it to, from any number I want it to, and I don't even need to own an actual

That sounds A-OK with me lol. Everyone has their own personal preference but speaking for myself it is difficult to go back to a lot of the “classic” RPGs (BG 1/2, Fallout 1/2, the Elder Scrolls games before Oblivion) because they adhere hard to specific, rigid rulesets and have kind of a general janky feeling.

That’s good to know. I enjoyed D:OS 1 and 2 so to know there’s potential for a third is good news to me.

It’s actually a new clothing brand that specializes in socks with topical/edgy patterns on them. Spelled Saw X but pronounced "Socks" 

Fast X came out earlier this year, now we have Saw X. I’m really hoping there’s an after-credits scene that ties the two universes together and that’s what the final Fast and Furious movie is about. Vin Diesel vs Tobin Bell, once and for all.

Never forget the episode where Mickey and Minnie bang inside Goofy's stomach. Or possibly uterus, I've only ever seen the end. 

I haven’t seen the show, I have kind of fallen off the Disney+ shows because I rarely open that service vs other streaming services I have. But your comment is exactly why I understand why they wouldn’t bother with reviews.

That's the problem I have with this. I'm not a gambler but safe money is on Musk unironically tweeting about this as if it was a compliment within the next week. 

I totally get where they would be coming from. Just writing that much that fast would be a huge pain in the ass, and to have to draw everything as well seems like a recipe for burn out. It just makes more sense to have a team to break up and distribute the labor. 

Here, this is for you 

Here's a neat thing you can do! It's called "not read it". The fact you know this exists via Kotaku means nothing. There's nothing in the very slight description Kotaku gave that you wouldn't be able to guess based on knowing it is an RPG in space. The only way you're getting anything "spoiled" is if you go out of

Imagine the concept of some people having fun differently than you do, and not being a douche about it

First, the images aren’t stored, according to them anyways. But even if it was stored, the whole point is for the parent to send a picture to verify their consent, not the kid. And yes I know, the kid might try and take a selfie because they think they can trick the filter, but if set up properly, which any parent who

Well like I said, I’ll never begrudge them for making it. I’ve spent hours replaying a single mission in a game over and over because it wasn’t clear on how a mechanic specific to only that mission functioned. The quest for knowledge, even over silly trivial bullshit, should always be encouraged.

Yeah I'm not familiar with the game as I was born during the decline of US Arcades but I would definitely give them a cut. If I was selling it I'd give her like 25% of what I get and if I was just keeping it I would try to give her at least a grand or so for it, even if I had to do it with several small payments. 

I won’t begrudge anyone’s willingness to sift through this kind of thing and build out a detailed document like this. I’ve done similar stuff in the past and the answer “because it’s fun” is a good enough answer to the inevitable “but why” gif posted in response to this.