Right? The hate that people have for how these guys dress is hilarious.
Right? The hate that people have for how these guys dress is hilarious.
Yeah this is unfortunate but it is the truth. The only problem I have with the Adblock argument is that even if no ad blocking software existed, companies would STILL run more and more aggressive and nefarious ads over time, they would just ease into it slower because they wouldn’t have “Adblock” as an excuse to be…
It is "normal" but it isn't legal or even remotely okay. Congress gets away with it because they are the ones who hold the power.
That’s dependent on two criteria I don’t necessarily agree with.
Yeah apparently everyone within this thread is lacking some very basic knowledge of biology, because cross-species breeding is totally a thing irl.
The same way it does in countries that already restrict it. They either give different menus based on where the IP address is coming from (to allow people to confirm their age through a system approved by that country) or they pull lootboxes or the game from the area entirely.
Before acquisition is finalized:
I’ve never seen someone use “too many entertainment options” as an argument against something lol. That kind of just seems like a very specific personal issue that isn’t transferrable to most people. Personally I don’t turn on my console or open Steam or anything unless I already know what I want to play.
Nintendo signs off on EVERY game that is released, regardless of it being first, second, or third party software. They’ve failed certification for 3rd party games (some low budget Activision games I tested when I worked for them) for less issues than this Pokémon game has.
Even so, it is an unnecessary thing to do, taking the option away from the player to store as many as they want and trade them in when they want to, and bad planning on their part. They could do so much with having multiple copies of a card. Special days where you get 2x trade credits, daily offers of “If you give us…
Breaking News: Broken game manages to accomplish something relatively simple that MMOs have done for 2 decades.
She’s been back and forth between neutral but in it for herself and good but in it for herself for tons of games now
Man I know Sega was originally looking to compete with Mario when creating Sonic but he really did evolve into like a full on Anti-Mario.
I agree with your sentiment, it’s really just the clash between playing the story vs playing competitively.
I’m not sure how I feel about this game yet. I was interested at first, but it sounds kinda stuffed with filler and overall nothing is described here in any real detail.
‘Various Sonic Frontiers user reviews mention Dunkey, including a perfect score from “Dunkeywaswrong” that hails it as “the best 3D Sonic since Sonic Adventure 2.”’
Yep, just like how childlike insults can cut deeper because it gives the impression that you aren't even worth trying to be creative or especially cruel to, so here's an insult a 1st grader would use.
I’m excited to finally give this a try. I wish we could get more games like this, but sadly it's a very overlooked genre nowadays.
Based on the nature of this post I’m gonna go ahead and just withdraw my “Welcome to Kotaku“ comment that I made on your introduction post.
He was likely always a far right nutbag, the culture around being public with that information is what changed over that time period.