It’s more likely a reference to the much newer joke of “let that sink in” with the sink being literal.
It’s more likely a reference to the much newer joke of “let that sink in” with the sink being literal.
Naw he has too much money invested in it and it’s potentially too powerful of a tool to manipulate stock and public opinion for him to *want* to blow it up.
Yeah I mean, I would feel even better about it if a large portion of that was being paid directly out of Zuck's and the C Suite's bonuses and salaries, but it's not a bad severance by any means.
What story elements? Almost every Sonic game is just “Bad Guy X is using/after Y MacGuffins to do bad shit. Use new gimmick Z specific to this game to collect Y MacGuffins to stop Bad Guy X”
Plus, it should be kinda hard to say that with a straight face considering 90% of the “Open World” concept BotW is cribbed from the 2 decades of open world games that came before it.
You mean the ones filled with speed and momentum by putting them in a large world that is almost entirely empty save for a few smatterings of rings and zero actual things to do but run in circles?
The only example I can think of with meaningful branching paths would be Shadow the Hedgehog? But that was more about having a couple of moral(?) choices in objectives in each level rather than legitimate branching paths.
A plane is not a game camera though, neither is the back of your head. Besides, we’re talking logical reasons, I don’t think “Well I want to look up, so let me just visualize what direction someone would have to pull the hair on the back of my head to make me look up” is more logical than “want to look up, press up”…
Damn, that’s likely a BIG paycheck to simply have bookmarked.
It’s because people who don’t invert the Y axis think logically. I want to look down so I press down.
Welcome Alyssa!
I think it would work well cribbing ideas from Odyssey as far as having small, tightly knit worlds. I agree that a lot of the goals in Odyssey were really stupid, but that’s because I’m a 30+ year old guy playing a game designed in a way to ensure kids aged 5-10 could complete it by themselves without much difficulty.
They’ll do the same thing they have been doing for decades.
“From what we’ve seen so far, critics think it’s a good game. It’s just not necessarily a great one. Nostalgia softened some of the disappointment, but it couldn’t completely paper over its numerous shortcomings. The story is just okay, but you’re here for the blue hedgehog, right? Just don’t expect any groundbreaking…
It would actually be kind of neat if a game had “skippable” bosses, but before releasing it they recorded the gameplay of one of the game staff who is good at the boss from having to fight it a thousand times during testing and played that as an unskippable cutscene.
That and the improvements to the UI as well. I'm fairly surprised DF lasted as long as it did being both free and having graphics and UI design that were 20+ years outdated when the game BEGAN development 2 decades ago.
With modern reactors and recycling techniques, that issue is more or less inconsequential, at least in the US. We have plenty of space to make regional storage sites for waste that are plenty far away from large numbers of people. The issue is more actually getting those sites approved and up and running because of…
Yeah imo a proper Avengers game needs to not be so much of a brawler where you can use basically any character in any mission but a tightly made story driven game where different parts of a level are designed specifically to be played by one character.
Now understanding it's the very last lap so there's very little actual racing left, you would think intentionally causing an accident, even if you only intend to damage your own vehicle, would be something you could be fined or disqualified for.
Often they don't want to release it early because they are still finalizing a day one patch or other things behind the scenes