
I'm so fucking excited for this I cannot stand it. 

I mean... It’s ugly because almost all “Gamer” products are but it isn’t really that bad considering that. I just would have done something differently with LED placement. 

That’s what I was thinking. What's the count of characters who primarily use punches and kicks in their attacks? 

Yeah, for me that was more the “what CPU can work with what mobo” type of questions, but bundles solve a lot of those problems nowadays too.

From Google’s suggested search queries based on this blog post:

The RC missions are all optional though iirc, unless you are aiming for 100%

I absolutely do not understand why every single retailer does not have a system where you provide a name, credit or debit card, phone number, email address, and a non-PO box address and are put on a list to get a PS5 or Series X when it is available at that retailer.

You’re babbling just as incoherently as they are, friend

Ohhhhh... You're a crazy person. Carry on

I’m sorry you've only seen really shitty anime

Oh for sure. It’s also one of the wealthiest states in both total GDP and GDP per capita. And it’s well known as a liberal state, or at least it is in the major cities and uninformed people have applied that to the entire state. It’s very easy for them to have a target on their back considering all of those factors.

People like to bag on CA for numerous reasons, but having lived there for a better part of a decade and having worked with several departments of their state government, they are generally really good at getting shit done when they aren't getting hamstrung by bullshit from WASPs, NIMBYism, and Republicans. 

Judging by this guy's other comments? There is no valid criticism in their mind. These games are perfect and should never be changed ever. 

That's crazy how this blog post got stuck for 10 years and just now managed to post today. 

Well as far as insurance, they're in Canada so they can get public insurance that covers nearly anything anyways. I doubt they have a company insurance plan beyond things that the public option doesn't cover like cosmetic surgery. 

“How to spend a lot of money to at best make a very generic looking world and at worst have to go back and do it by hand anyways"

I can think of a dozen ways that they could go even lower with this. As a few examples, they could cancel the portions of the game that haven't been released, they could fill up the game with microtransactions, they could announce a kickstarter to get the missing portions of the game developed, they could blame the

If only there was some kind of easy to define line, such as "is this person performing sexual acts on themselves or others?" 

They can retool the algorithm that chooses who to promote based on gender. If you have a general breakdown of your streamers by gender and you have a general breakdown of view counts by gender (say on a rolling 3 month window), you add a filter to the algorithm that promotes streamers in the underrepresented genders

So what are we guessing? Replaced by an android? Lizard people? CIA False Flag operation to draw out someone at Sega inexplicably tied to GamerGate somehow?