I mean, the joke is ruined anyways if people can't see the level.
I mean, the joke is ruined anyways if people can't see the level.
I don’t think the original was “bad”, it was just different. I definitely think there is a place for a Joker who is extremely meticulous about their appearance, maybe tied to a psychotic need to maintain their appearance as a clown to an extreme degree. Maybe becoming more and more brutal in his behavior the further…
My fiance and I have been playing lots of Stardew Valley since the new update dropped, so I imagine we'll continue that. I've also started playing Oxygen Not Included again, as it is a game I come back to pretty regularly (I just wish it had a bit more content). Also, we recently bought Horizon Zero Dawn again, after…
Iuno, I feel like you would get the same answers on Jezebel today as well. At least from a decent number of people. But that is the difference between a professional in dating related psychology and an amateur with an agenda.
Other people already kind of explained but they left out a key detail that is important. There are 2 “Bethesda”s. One is Bethesda Game Studios (BGS), a developer who makes the Fallout and Elder Scrolls titles (excluding New Vegas and Elder Scrolls Online).
I'm curious to see your list of criteria for a fully adult 28 year old. As I am 28 and would like to see where I measure up to the standards of a scientist, even if it isn't exactly your field.
I saw on a different site that it is $30 for the regular edition and $40 for a special edition that contains a video of a concert where they play 19 different songs from the game/series
Honestly this just sounds like a rehash of the existing games, all mixed together. I’d rather they go somewhere new, there are plenty of other troubled philosophical worldviews to comment on.
Kind of reminds me of the mission in RDR2 to find your buddy in town and it quickly devolves into drunken shenanigans, using a bunch of fast cuts to different parts of the evening for humorous effect.
Obviously the censored text was "bazongas".
Okay but just because *you* aren’t smart enough to figure it out (I’m not either, but you specifically referred to yourself) doesn’t make them anywhere near equal in difficulty.
Sounds like if it is normal gameplay it is fine. So a Mortal Kombat playthrough would be fine whereas a “All Fatalities” compilation would not.
It is because none of them were challenging in the slightest. The combat shrines were all the same enemy from what I saw, just with different amounts of health and some had different attacks. All of which were trivial if you used the dodge mechanic because the attacks were telegraphed with plenty of time to react.
I’d disagree on that. BotW had some of the best methods for exploring, sure. But there wasn’t really a ton of stuff that was actually worth exploring. Outside of areas you would explore anyways for the main story I can only think of maybe a half dozen places that I found and thought “wow that is cool/interesting”. A…
The slogan for the Switch should be: “But hey, at least it’s portable!”
I’m not opposed to some online games that handle it better than competitive multiplayer or online Survival games. Most MMOs have better restrictions on when/where PVP can occur, but I personally don’t have the time to devote to an MMO.
I think it was a brilliant idea, but agree that it didn’t really look great when limited to the limited capabilities the SNES had. I would love to see the style return in more modern games, starting with 3d models and converting them to sprites. I feel like a lot of games that just do a 2.5d style have a lot of issues…
Is that any different to how we treat real animals? Hell just dogs by themselves fill all 3 of those roles across different cultures.
I agree that from a narrative perspective it doesn’t make sense but it does from a design perspective. If you were to give Batman all his tools from AA at the beginning of AC you would need to give players reasons to use all of those while also providing new ways to gate player progression. Making new game mechanics…
You aren’t wrong, but if there are already dozens of examples of using the Force to do a single large jump and no examples of using it to do a weird double jump (and yes, double jumps always look weird regardless of how cool the concept is), it seems kind of silly they would make it a double jump and not a…