Betty got caught in the time rain and it aged her so much there was an overflow error. So now she looks like she is 19 again.
Betty got caught in the time rain and it aged her so much there was an overflow error. So now she looks like she is 19 again.
I think a lot of people enjoyed those opening sections. The first time. But after that you don't really need to get that same grounding and foreshadowing because you already know the situation.
That is why I love those alternate start mods for Skyrim and the like. Way better than the standard “save file at the end of the tutorial” because when you use those you still see the same stuff over and over until you get a ways into the game.
I never heard of this person but it is great to see this memorial.
“Also on the Switch, but worse" is an accurate description of 95% of the titles that get ported to Switch. But I guess that is the price to pay for portability.
I mostly agree with this, but I feel it is important to add that when listening to the criticism, it is important to reevaluate if what you are doing is right based on the number of people responding and the nature of their criticism.
Honestly Nintendo should have just done a whole park for their stuff. Maybe still partner with Universal and have it nearby, kind of like how Disneyland is mostly the core-Disney experience and California Adventure is less focused.
You've highlighted one of the (several) reasons I dislike Universal Studios theme parks with your discussion on theming. In my opinion if you are going to do theming of different park areas you need to go all in like Disney does, or not do it at all. Half assing it just makes the park feel kind of disjointed.
I'm glad you clarified it was big in PAL regions because my first thought was "Wtf is Singstar?"
Because while you and others say “they should just be honest about it”, if they actually were honest they would probably have a great deal more people calling them a sellout if they straight up said “Youtube paid me a bunch of cash”.
Engage with users in real time, yes. Create more content, no. Afaik you can't just upload a video to Twitch, you have to stream it. So it sounds like they want to do non-streaming videos and skits in addition to streaming.
It is plenty consistent.
I’d rather it go back to how 2 was rather than continue along the path 3 went down. But it is an exercise in futility, because I’m not changing my mind toward Activision and Blizzard. Their games aren’t worth it, even if they are amazing (which more often than not nowadays they aren’t).
I mean they have done some uncool stuff but compared to EA? The company that has repeatedly bought developers, interfered with them and then when sales fall slightly, put a bullet in the back of their head? The company that has twisted several beloved franchises in order to try and milk as much money from their fans…
I suppose that is relative to if you like Ubisoft’s games. I haven’t played one of their games since Splinter Cell Blacklist so it holds no value to me but it sounds like it is good for others. Would be cool to see that system elsewhere.
You can get it through Steam to make them take 30% of the sale away from EA (or whatever Valve's cut is), just to spite EA because they are shitty.
So you can get those uPlay achievements to get uPlay points that can be used to buy in-game content. You know, instead of just letting you unlock the content in game.
I think you are definitely correct, which is why people/companies in positions of power within fandoms or fan content need to smack those people with a rolled up newspaper and tell them “No”. But a lot of them won't because it may damage their bottom line.
Yeah at least some of this has to be because of BNet, I have decent internet and downloading 130 GB through Steam would absolutely not be a big deal for me. It sounds like it was throttling people pretty hard.
Yeah they are kind of a double edged sword. On one hand it makes getting into stuff way easier, but on the other, it takes away from the RPG aspect of the game because it becomes a matter of your skill at the game and how many lockpicks you have. None of the lockpicking perks in Skyrim really mattered because you…