It looks cool but it doesn't look like it would function all that well as a rug from the pictures. The edges look like an easy way to trip with how raised they are and the fabric doesn't look exceptionally durable.
It looks cool but it doesn't look like it would function all that well as a rug from the pictures. The edges look like an easy way to trip with how raised they are and the fabric doesn't look exceptionally durable.
If you think about it, the total societal collapse already happened with FO76.
I had also read that people are loading into “private” worlds to find they had already been picked clean. Apparently the private worlds are just instances that have recently been played on that everyone has since left.
The bigger question is, why have items exclusive to specific aesthetic styles in the first place? I assume it is solely because some of the games have specific mechanics like not picking up shells in SMB1 and having the ability to choose the aesthetic of one game and the rules of another could be confusing for people.
I feel like there have been quite a few games that do that, push way too hard in terms of different practices that the consumer doesn’t like to see if they can normalize it. GTA Online kind of did that, as did that more recent Battlefront game. Same with one of the Dead Space games iirc.
I don't know if it is exactly the same, but I would say it is more like WoW dungeon instances. Still a centralized server, but the world is a single instance restricted to the owner and invited players. It doesn't sound groundbreaking from a technical standpoint.
Maybe not, but it is probably the best you’ll get. If not from there then from some other social media (I am curious what the FO76 subreddit looks like).
Is it literally private server hosting though? It sounds more like an invite only lobby to me, the same way you have been able to play on countless other games before it.
Looking at Fallout's Twitter, it seems to be like a 60/30/10 split. 60% of people are mad, 30% seem okay with it, and 10% are mad that the 60% are mad. But then you have to keep in mind that people upset enough to say so is usually a minority when it comes to these things.
I’ll tell you the want for this art style. 3D animation is leaps and bounds cheaper than traditional animation. That is the entire reason.
That is another thing that just occurred to me, the line heavily implies that the player character knows intimate details about their rival’s family. Like... only 5% of people 65+ are in some sort of care facility, and only a small fraction of that are bedridden to the point of being at risk for bedsores.
I could see that as being true, as I don’t really know much about them. But that is one of those things that you don’t really *need*, if you catch my meaning. My cheap sneakers will last about a year of everyday use and probably another 6 months of general use (they would just be too raggy to wear at work after a…
That makes sense. I hate it, but at least I understand. Personally I’ve had like $80 dollar shoes and $10 dollar shoes and the both seem to fall apart at about the same rate so I just get cheap shoes now. Hell they come from the same sweatshop anyways, why should I pay extra?
Wait there are “sneaker launches”? Why?
Yeah Jerry Rice did some radio ads for a car company a couple months back. The only thing I could think about when they played was that I wasn’t able to decide if it sounded more like he did the entire ad in one long, bad take, or if it was a bunch of bad takes that an audio engineer needed to then cobble together. It…
Well I’ll be honest, I have no idea how I came up with my name. Never been married (yet, currently engaged), and was fortunate enough to not have my childhood screwed up by divorce.
I want to preface this by saying Ninja’s decision regarding streaming with women was misguided and silly, because it is going to sound like I think he made the right call for a minute. We’ll circle back on that.
I’m not a fan of collectors who just sit and let the items collect dust (and value), but I can forgive it if they at least have a passion for the medium. This guy just wants them to say he has them.
The question now is, how was that number determined? The date a collector started looking for Game X to when they found it?
Yes, finally someone is advocating for the American way to solve problems.