
Yeah. I can get trash talk and even bringing a family member into it, but what a weirdly specific, incredibly detailed threat towards someone completely unrelated to what is happening. 

Yeah... I mean it definitely happens, my fiance makes a lot of decisions based on her guts and intuition and I tend to write it all out and weigh decisions more rather than make a snap decision.

Person 1: Your significant other moved on from their previous relationship, you need to as well.

I think their messaging is muddled atm, I have heard that this is going to replace both of the current streaming services they currently have, but haven't verified the information. 

Both may be good options. Otherwise I think I see Blurays for a lot of them occasionally at Best Buy or other places so maybe I'll pick then up piecemeal. 

Man, fuck that. Looks like I'll continue to have never seen most Ghibli films, because I'm sure as shit not getting *another* subscription service for a tiny amount of content I care about and an overwhelming majority I couldn't care less about. Especially if it is close to 15 bucks a month. 

This is how I treat character creation nowadays. Especially in games like Fallout/Skyrim where I’m going to be covered head to toe in armor anyways. The only thing I do is make quick choices based on the character type I want to play (like choosing Altmer for a mage or choosing the right SPECIAL stats for a ninja that

Yeah I hate having to hook up my PS4 to a capture box to get a screenshot because my only other option is to dafs afsdfas afadsfas

Well it is the dismissive nature of your “Ok?” really. A lot of people would respond in your scenario with something like “yeah, it isn’t for everyone, but I think it is neat.”

That I can agree with. It may not be personal for those protesting, but the people on stage may, or more likely will, take it personally. So then you get into discussions about which is the best course of action. Do you limit protests and shouting to out front of the event and anyone in the event must be respectful

The double standard was at the time that someone who is connected with Hong Kong got punished harshly and immediately, whereas the other group not connected to Hong Kong got punished well after the fact and only after people said there was a double standard. 

They don’t. None of those specific people deserve for that to happen to them. However, we’re likely not going to get the people who deserve it on the stage. It isn’t personal to whoever is on stage if they aren’t the ones who make those calls, it is more about taking advantage of an event that is being broadcasted

Despite my previously snarky tone, I wouldn't say I'm complaining. More that I'm just teasing about the concept. It doesn't appeal to me, but I'm not necessarily their target audience. And having one part of a game that I think is silly or poorly done isn't going to make or break my enjoyment of the game by itself. 

I don’t know about *any* concept, but I’ll agree that most can. But for me it depends on if the core concept sounds interesting. Pokemon itself can be broken down to “Get monsters, make them fight” but those 5 words by themselves are interesting to me. “fight bigger version of same monster” on the other hand doesn’t

You gave a perspective on something, and I gave an equally valid but different perspective. That is how conversations work. 

See I hear people say that a lot about emulation, but I’ve never had any noticeable issues with emulation, unless it was trying to emulate a more modern console or was on a PC that couldn’t handle it. I know some people like speedrunners rely on actual hardware because some glitches or tricks don’t work the same way

I can’t get excited about it because it just seems like the idea a 5 year old came up with. Conceptually the idea is just “Make big. Make stronk.”

They already made a post about that, after Blizzard announced it. 

Well yeah, “don’t be fucking dumb” is a pretty solid Rule #0 for using a computer, and just life in general. Problem is, a lot of people can’t follow that rule.

Make no mistake, they didn’t cave. At least not in the way you think they did. That was a calculated decision and likely went all the way up the chain for approval. I guarantee at the first hint of this coming back to bite them they got approval to do this because it will help everything blow over sooner. They are