
I never said he was responsible. But it is a fact that he dabbled in a bit of gross political stuff in the past for laughs and views and didn’t really put much effort into correcting his own mistakes, let alone being a good example for his fan base. I wouldn’t call him directly responsible for anything other than his

That is neat. I was just watching some GTA:SA speedruns the last couple of weeks. Now to get some stuff out of the way that usually comes up in posts like these:

Probably lots of reasons, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are doing a rolling shutdown of all the blogs. Last I heard the company was now owned by one of those companies that more or less exist by buying up other companies stripping them of anything of value, and shutting them down. I could be dead wrong on that

Well yeah, also that. 

Ah. Well that explains the lack of content today.

The funny thing is, he doesn’t have to get overtly political at all to denounce violence and hate. There are plenty of other big name LPers who don’t get political at all but still manage to have an overall message of positivity and acceptance. Three large channels I can think of would be Markiplier, Jacksepticeye,

Anyone who is even remotely familiar with how online multiplayer works could tell you it will depend on the network capabilities of the host. Sometimes things aren't stated because they are obvious, not for some malicious marketing reason. 

Not really. They are correct that it is built into the core of the game and that the creators easily could have eliminated the strategy with any number of rules. Full graveyard shuffles, having a separate discard pile for those abilities that you get to use when your deck runs out, etc. Not only did they do that but

Probably not. The most they would likely need to do is change Mei's head and name, so modifying the game itself would be easy enough. Modifying marketing materials is a different story, especially if they wanted to retroactively change any of the animated shorts they have done. But as far as I know she isn't commonly

The basic reasoning and logic skills of a fourth grader also prove this, unfortunately many people either don’t have those or choose not to use them.

It is likely akin to a high school paper. Everyone gets to be an editor if they ask. 

I imagine it is that simple, but the amount of money that Disney can pull in from China with Pooh is probably very little as is and not enough to justify remaking the character. Especially since the new version of the character wouldn't have the immediate brand recognition Pooh has. 

Well said. I think the core of a good game is here, but it gets dragged down by Ubisoft trying to chase down every penny it can find and imitating the flavor of the month.

Huh, that gif is a favorite of mine as well, though I usually use it on Gizmodo when someone complains about bezels or notches.

Yeah I think that happened around... Right after Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2 (around 2010-2012). That was also around the last time we got a decent Splinter Cell and a decent R6 game, at least that I can remember. 

Well you have to remember, a demo is usually a single slice of something towards the beginning of the game and is usually polished beyond anything else at the time. I couldn’t name a title specifically, but I know I’ve seen demos for games before large portions of the rest of it were even functional. 

Activision and Blizzard have definitely lost any future money from me. I mean that isn’t saying much because neither company has put out a game I was actually interested in since Diablo 3, and Wrath of the Lich King before that.

This is exactly what the official Pokemon games are missing. Why make changes to the single player game to support people who play competitively when they could just make an online battle system where you can choose the exact party you want (with stats and moves limited to what is actually possible in single player)

TAS Joker has always been the best film/TV Joker. 

I’m legitimately curious on this, what are the journalism rules/guidelines about reporting on information released toward one outlet intended to be exclusive information for that outlet? I know that as soon as they posted their articles the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, but I find this kind of scenario