Older people dont use facebook as much either...
Older people dont use facebook as much either...
Ya it saddens me because I dont have a WiiU :( !!!! but I have already 100% that game so ya!
Some of these games its a fair price like $8 for Super Metroid is a steal but $5 for a game like Ice Climbers or donkey kong is kind of a rip... they should make those games $3 and games that have more value like Super Mario Bros 3 the normal $5
Ah ok totally makes sense now :P
The Deal for Mad World when you click on it says $5? Also If anyone has a Wii and enjoys beat em up's then buy this game!Its also ridiculously violent and bloody, probably the most out of any game ive ever played.
"dibs on his cigarette butt!"
Alot of people seemed to have disliked this show but my roommate and I watched it all the past week or so and I found it to be pretty entertaining and pretty decent! Its not American Horror Story good (which i loved) but its worth at least a shot. The only downside to the show is the story is confusing and weak and…
Too me its not better than A link to the past.... but for the time the graphics/story/length were far better than the average Nintendo 64 game but I personally think its overrated because pretty much every game in the series after has been pretty stellar but huge fanboys say how ______ cant even compare to Ocarina of…
What happened to Nintendo making Nintendo Network accounts to link games to an account? and its silly because I have my wii and 3DS linked to my club nintendo account and it even has what games ive purchased attached too it but they cant let me redownload any of them on a different console...
If you are like half my friends you would only buy a game if it had multiplayer... *facepalm ....
Agreed completely... Its already risky enough that a new developer is making the game but now they are adding multiplayer...
Dont worry Ive played Super Metroid. Ive gotten 100% on every metroid game... at least I think I have lol Just getting it on the WiiU with off TV play would be really fun especially for $0.30! I also havent played it in awhile and would love an excuse to do so.
but its a 3D classic... so i doubt itll also be $0.30 because it says its $6.99! perhaps when the eshop updates on thursday!?
That pains me because Metroid is my favorite series... oh well at least a whole new crowd is getting exposed to these classics.
Wish I had a WiiU all these $0.30 sales for some of the best games ever is a steal!
Love that video! haha and the Zelda is your... is a total Star Wars reference.
Isnt the Portal cake actually based on a real cake that a bakery near Valve HQ makes? Id much rather get the cake from there :3
Ya pretty sure its been $20 forever, I bought it a couple months ago on amazon for $20 and its been $20 for awhile now pretty sure suggested retail has been the $40 for a long time but everywhere are just like whatever $20
Darn Just got the other bundle for 360 a couple months ago and MGS4 for PS3.... oh well I already have The Twin Snakes on GC so I guess im good...