
True but I feel like Fez does it far too often, I remember about a year ago my friend said that all the secrets havent been found yet. IDK its cool I guess but i feel like half the game pulls that shit on you. Its a good game overall though. I might buy it on steam when it comes out later because ive only played it at

Ive played it a couple times and its really fun and genius but I think its a BS game because their are some secrets and things needed to progress that you definitely need to look up online because there is absolutely zero chance you could magically guess on how to some of the things in this game which I find to be

really I had a score of 5 stars after a day of owning a 360, I just had 2 of my friends rate me and that was that, not that hard but idk they could have changed it.

Really? No Anomaly Warzone, World of Goo, Another world, beat hazard, fieldrunners, plants vs zombies, zen bound, Super Hexagon, Open Sea, Jetpack joyride, doodle jump or Quell?

I got a 3DS and love it! Its been collecting dust lately but that because I don't have much $$$ and dont want to spend $40 for a new game... Ill probably Buy the WiiU if i get some more cash and when more awesome games come out! OR I promised that I would buy a WiiU if a new Metroid game came out for it... sooo your

I dont like the art style that much either... but I am a fan of how Link now looks like the offical art from back in the day.

This makes complete sense to me now. haha

loved DBZ but never understood why they just sat there for like up to 10mins and waited for someone to transform or power up... why wouldnt they just hit them when they were vulnerable! haha

I like it, looks pretty awesome.

Yes!!!! As a backer of Shovel Knight im glad it was GreenLit!

Agreed... I liked Dishonored but I wouldnt give the game a 10/10. Overall I think Bioshock Infinite is the better game but both games have their strengths and weaknesses.

haha yes! Ya Metroid 2 still remains one of the most innovative games of the series, and proves with limitations such as hardware creativity can happen... like Samus' Armor changing shape when she got the Varia suit because the gameboy had no color and same goes with the missile launcher it would open up to show you

Now playing

Ya they dont have an offical remake or anything but they did rerelease it on the 3DS eshop, I played it for like 2 hours until I realized I wasnt as good as my 5yr old self playing this game lol , easily one of the creepiest games ever though.

Would totally be down for that! My bro owned Metroid 2 when it first came out and when I was really young it would be one of the few games we owned so I played the hell out of it. I just want a new metroid game in general, a 3D on in glorious HD on WiiU would be awesome and a 2D one for 3DS would be amazing!

That game would be called Metroid 2: Return of Samus, and its the most underrated / least liked of the series because most fans consider it too hard and confusing because their is no map but easily the scariest due to the atmosphere and knowing at any corner a metroid could come out of nowhere and destroy you. I would

Ya no idea what he is talking about the only game that I would consider not gritty would be Zero Mission and that's only because of the cartoonish graphics, Fusion has somewhat similar graphics but it overall is a much darker grittier game... The entire series is pretty atmospheric and dark and somewhat mysterious...

I was super excited for this game like 2 years ago... but since then I rarely game on my Xbox 360 and I dont even have xbox live anymore... so I have lost interest... maybe if it comes out on PSN or Steam Id consider buying it again...

ya thats what i thought... at least in game it showed her age as 17 on a chalk board but we dont know how long ago they drew that up

pretty sure she is 17, oh wait it says 20 on some wiki.