
Hah! How stupid of me...

Interesting story and I wish her the best of luck.

Do I sense jealousy? ;)

No problem. One thing I forgot to mention... in the U.S., regulated fisheries (some recreational fisheries are not regulated) are allowed under the ESA/MMPA a certain number of 'takes' (ex. a dead whale in their gear). This is how these interactions are allowed under law. If there wasn't these allowed takes the ESA

To work on large whales in the U.S. you must be listed on a specific federal permit because of the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act. Disentanglement is HIGHLY dangerous and very restricted. Necropsy work on large whales is also permitted because of the same laws. Technically, the government

Hah, no I do not hunt them. I disentangle whales when they get entangled in actively fished or derelict gear. I also help perform necropsies when large whales perish.

How is that even a Jeep anymore?!

As someone who works with whales and has dealt with many carcasses... you would be surprised how easily this can happen.

Dear God, what is going on with that guy's upper lip?! It's like he has an inner lip or grossly distorted gums... cannot unsee.

If Ford wanted to do a retro RWD Mk 1 Escort to compete with a BRZ/FRS... they might have a winner.

It looks something like I would have drew in the 3rd grade. Wow, that car is awful.

I like the idea, especially the weight savings. If this concept doesn't have a clip in base, it would never sell. As a parent the ability to take the seat and your child out of the car without waking them... priceless.

I've found them to be pretty cheap on the inside and the engine... well, boring. I REALLY wanted to like them too. Rear seat room isn't great either.

Depending on you and your spouse's size just don't forget that a rear facing child seat takes up an enormous amount of room. A Fit wouldn't work for us without destroying the passenger's knees. Never tried a Golf but I would imagine the same thing. A Mazda 3 (new or used - be careful of rust though on the old

I agree with the car seats! I know there is federal legislation to make them even bigger because additional 'safety' features!!!

We got one pre-baby as well. Kid is now 5 months old and I don't regret the purchase for a second. When you have a decent sized dog and want to carry the family on a 2+ hour trip it is hard to beat the size/ride of this. We got the mid-line touring. Nice automatic.

Bravo. That was awesome!!

My goodness the level of idiocy in the blocked LEDs video is astounding.

First thing I thought of... So which brother is co-driving? What a beauty eh!

I like Mazda's but I must admit I am not happy that my 2005 3 hatch is rusting away at 155k miles. It is a known issue on the Mazda 3 boards and even some members tried to get Mazda to issue a recall. Didn't work of course... but please don't say that Mazda's don't have issues. Personally, I'm hoping the problem is