
Patricia has been pretty regularly pumping out articles about games made by her ex and former roommate (Christine Love and Anna Anthropy) with absolutely no previous disclosure before this whole thing blew up. Even linking the Steam shop and recommending you also buy their previous games so you can really get the full

EXCELLENT album, I usually listen to it at work. Very chill.

Why should this guy have to appease the public after being accused of a non-provable rape? That's not his job, he's just some guy who created a board game. Why is the responsibility of sparking insightful conversation on the subject of consent now on him?

what? the whole problem with using the tracks as battle levels is that they are MUCH bigger than the battle arenas, so much so that you almost never run into anyone. no idea what you're talking about at this point

Nah dude, using the track levels is honestly just fucking lazy. The battle arenas were infinitely superior.

Unfortunately, the battle mode on Mario Kart 8 is terrible, so it won't be affected by cheaters. Silver lining...? it's probably the only shitty thing in the entire game

well to be fair, I'd rather play those two games than just about ANY AAA title right now, possibly bar Mario kart :P

damn. And I just bought two third party adapters for $20 a pop on Amazon about two months ago, for this very reason. And they're only one controller each. Womp.

Ike is a pretty slow powerhouse, so I think his appearance just matches his play style now. Do you even lift, Japan?

completely agree. The suit was one of the few things I really enjoyed. gotta get me one of those masks.

IMO, Adventure Time is the best show on TV right now with it's jaw dropping season premiere. The only other shows I keep up with regularly right now are Hannibal and Game of Thrones. Ink Master is my late night guilty pleasure, I usually end up watching recorded episodes as I lay bed.

Ugh, even worse. $100 bucks? Gtfo

Adventure mode is worth $80 dollars? I paid $40 originally and would need $40 more for RoS. In fact, there's not many games I'd pay full retail price of the original game for an 25% content expansion no matter how great the original was. I'd still be leery at that price point even with truly great games like Mass

Yeah, that's not terrible if you haven't already paid $40 for D3 originally. Maybe if there was a discount for early D3 adopters or something, at least that would show Blizzard cares a little. But at $40 bucks ($80 total for me) it's absolutely insulting. I played the new patch, it was alright, but nothing

Honestly, I really want to play this, if only because dungeon-crawlers/Diablo-esque games are my jam. But I have to take a stand on this one; I already paid for the damn game, I'm not almost doubling my purchase price for ONE extra Act, ONE new class and Adventure Mode. I want double the content for double the price.

Jake's a bulldog, not a pug. The AT one is probably the weakest of the bunch. That being said, the Rugrats one will haunt my dreams.

I've found awkward/cheesy lines can be great icebreakers, provided you have a sense of humor and can laugh at yourself

That was smooth, spinning it around on me while ignoring everything I said. I guess when it comes down to it, there are just two types of people in this world: those who can take a joke, and those who get upset about building Legos, and you're just one of those people. And it's ok, you have fun with that attitude. Huma

What? It's not something that's irrelevant to me; I have quite a few Lego sets of my own set up. If my friends took an 2 hours out of their time to carefully take apart and baggie one of my sets at 1 in the morning because I left saying some cheesy ass line about how I couldn't wait to see it again, I would appreciate

I don't get it. They're Legos. The point of the things is to be able to take them apart and put them together. It's a harmless prank, it happens. If he had to "nervous laugh" in front of the camera to conceal his inner turmoil over rebuilding his perfectly preserved toy falcon, the guy needs to lighten up. Life's too