yeah, that one was a Molotov swimming pool! Flames everywhere! D8
yeah, that one was a Molotov swimming pool! Flames everywhere! D8
I think the second mandatory one is when you play as Ellie
Shut up Ellen Page, nobody likes you! D:<
oh man, hit the nail on the head, my family has been harassing me to get my license, but I have anxiety attacks just sitting behind the wheel. I just can't handle the fact that I'm driving in a potential death trap (both for myself and others) and really the only thing dividing you from another vehicle is a painted…
I was once told to shut up and take their table. I didn't know Nintendo allowed such mild swear words! I should have taken a screen shot of it!
Oh man the Holy Water one is amazing! now I'll need to get a pack of Holy Smokes and I'm all set!
That line is like the extremely disgusting icing on the wedding cake! It's so beautiful!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! STOP TEMPTING ME! I want to buy it, but it's all sold out! But I can wait, but I want to know the story nooooowwww!
Same, I just updated and so far all is well! Now I'm worried!
To those customers who's card have been declined, please don't take it out on the cashier. I've lost count the number of times I've been yelled at, because a customer's cards been declined, and they've asked me why it has! How am I supposed to know why your card declined, I don't know your financial issues! So don't…
Here in the Asian part of BC's lower main land, we have little Asian grandmas sporting Ed Hardy, it's really badass!
I'm so bummed this game sold out in all the big retail stores where I live. Even the Gamestop sold out and the wild amazon is sold out too!
I learned an interesting thing about my culture (I am a Canadian born Sri Lankan) and that is, girls are favored as first born, because the eldest daughter is expected to be the disciplinary for the younger children, since the mother is general busy with other things. It's not much, but it's something!
My wallet and heart are ready Team Ico, you have a personal VIP spot to all my monies!
So true, however I think the shower scene and the option to extend it, was a temporary mode killer.
sweats and jeans together...... yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh okay there, you enjoy that.
My cousins used to have hairy arms (really hairy) and he started shaving/treading (idk what he does) off, because the rest of us would hold him down and fold hid arm close and knot the hairs at the elbow, making it impossible to open without pulling the hairs. We are horrible people, but it was hilarious.
oh man, continence is a big thing! Making people jump through hoops to get where they want is never good, and a deal break!
oh yeah Forgot about Sony's blunder, It never bothered me, cause I only used prepaid cards with the whole 1234 fake street, address thing. That was pretty awesome, because of the free Infamous game I ended up buying the CE for Infamous 2!
I want to go for PS+, but I just don't play it enough to justify purchasing it.…
It's okay, I bought my PS3 for Flower. I REGRET NOTHING!