
Can I get a tl;dr version of this somewhere? SOme sort of card or box that gives me the general idea?

Because “single editorial vision” is a huge assfuck cop out. No writer here subscribes to the ideology of Phyllis Schlafly, or is secretly posting on MRA forums about how feminists are all worthless cunts. There are no articles about the evils of abortion or blaming rape victims for getting drunk and being

I feel like this is what Jia’s post addresses, though. Why expect multiple writers to hold to some singular editorial vision when that has never really typified this place? The failure to do so always seemed like a conscious effort on the part of editorial staff, one that seems to bother people to varying degrees.

I guess the problem people have here is the lack of internal logic to it all. Like, there has been such a long history of Jezebel authors being indignantly outraged because so-and-so made a comment about some woman’s body, and so there has been a huge culture against “body shaming” here... doubly so if has to do with

Ok here’s some fun inside baseball. The story behind this story, if you will. So at around 5pm I emailed an Activision PR rep to give them a courtesy heads up that I’d heard from sources about this news — both the cosmetic microtransactions and free DLC. I asked if they’d like to comment and told them we’d be

giggle @ "assword"

He didn't do anything wrong, so why should he be apologizing?

Oh, boo fucking hoo.

Considering that their competitors aren't going out of their way to squeeze money out of the free advertising known as YouTube Let's Plays and Reviews, I'd say that it is a pretty bad business decision built on a poor understanding of how things work in the 21st century.

Actually they do...falls squarely under fair use...sure, companies argue otherwise and sick the lawyers on you but making a video of you playing the game and commenting? Absolutely 100% fair use.

Actually they do that right. It's called fair use.

Please understand.

And so it began.

Stop complaining! It's either 1080p, 60fps with no teeth. Or 920p, 30fps with teeth. They opted for the former! :)

I have this entire collection of screenshots of Shane looking like a doof. I'm convinced it's the sort of thing that only I think is funny, but, here:

People aren't mad because Assassin's Creed doesn't have women, they're mad because Ubisoft lied about how difficult it would be to add women. I think the Far Cry 4 team was more honest, and I can't see them receiving the same blow back. I'd bet a couple bucks that Far Cry 5 has women, as conciliatory as that sounds.

Now playing

i'm not normally the type to brag but YO GUESS WHO FUCKING CALLED IT

It's sad that you have to resort to explaining this multiple times, and still people don't grasp the concept.

I'm not saying I lose the right to express my opinion; I'm saying that as a public figure, I have to expect that everything I say publicly can reflect upon Kotaku in some way.

I mean unless you're 10 or something, then maybe hold off a few years.