
Guy makes game for fun.
Angry, entitled gamers bitch and moan at him incessantly.Guy takes game down and quits game developing forever.

Jesus, this job sounds as thankless as teaching (which I do).

It's a freaking pipe that doesn't even have similar highlighting nor colors. Sure the shape is similar but it definitely isn't the "same pipe".

Or maybe he just isn't into high fantasy?

To: [redacted]

I might be the only person on the internet who likes the Titanfall design.

nor did it announce whether or not DS Games are planned for the 3DS Virtual Console.

Damn straight. Patricia is pretty tough overall I think, sticking around with all the hate she gets here sometimes. I'm fairly pleased that this comment section isn't dominated with too much nastiness though.

Wow, I didn't think this moment would come so soon.

Before all the hate comes pouring in, I just want to say that I give you mad props for revealing a very personal aspect of your life that many people won't agree with. It was a very interesting read, and definitely some food for thought. Cheers!

Replace Yukiko with Chie and we're golden. Go Chie!

Yeah, kinda! Think about how much stuff is in Skyrim — then imagine being a writing team that not only has to create that much content, but also has to make sure it all fits with Tolkien's canon. That sounds like a nightmare TBH.

I'm glad that we have "hooc" here to remind us that the following phrases constitute "hitting on" somebody:

Using a professional contact to do this, and in the way he did it is totally unforgiven. He got what he asked for. This happens a lot, especially in the game industry. Things like this need to be shown, cause a lot of people tend to blame the victim.

I for one am shocked that the company behind a game designed to make money by taking advantage of peoples' worst psychological impulses is capable of this sort of behavior.

Too long! But yes. Still sketchy.

Fixed that for you, Jason.

Now playing

Here folks, enjoy two solid hours of Joe Hisaishi music. Try not to cry from how soul-crushingly beautiful it all is.