
How? Did you read his blog post or any of the tweets highlighted?

WARNING: Vague BioShock Infinite spoilers follow

they can always move to tumblr for a few weeks...

Yeah, man. Dinosaurs are like 10 trillion years old. You gotta appreciate the classics.

Wow. I've never actually seen the homophobia towards that game stated so bluntly before.

I respect that you at least gave some semblance of a coherent argument as to why you didn't enjoy the game, other than just "IM NOT A HOMOPHOBE STOP CALLING ME A HOMOPHOBE." or "ITS NOT A GAME, GOSH!", but I also have to respectfully disagree about the writing.

"Cunt ringtones"? Is it someone saying "cunt"? Are they talking about cunts, or just saying the word "cunt" over and over? Who's saying it? Did they just hold a microphone up to a cunt and use the sound it made as a ringtone? And if so, is it a literal cunt, as in a vagina, or is it a figurative cunt, meaning a jerk?


Something makes me think you would be a terrible businessman

At first I want to say how pathetic it is but then I remember I smile when I get a comment on one of my posts so eh. Feeling of getting a "like" below. At least his story ends well so kudos for him.

Way too many people freaking out about this as some sort of hidden agenda to place the blame on gamers. Have you ever taken a moment of silence for a fallen hero? Did talking get him killed? Chances are, in the vast majority of cases, no.

I don't think most (except insane people) are saying that games were a major issue.. its more comparable to a 2 minute silence for casualties of war; supposedly showing that gamers care too, and we can put aside revelling in imaginary violence for a little while to show respect.. Problem is it just ends up with weird

It's a way of a) saying that you don't need OKCupid because you're just that awesome in real life and b) trying to make that other person feel special because she's almost cool enough to deserve the attention you don't normally give out.

Of course, it's kind of like calling out someone you know for being at a strip

I get that inclination on OKC, where you maybe use the site but don't message often, or don't want to give the impression that you're a big OKC player or something. The whole opening bit was standard stuff, but then… well, as Bluestar2k9 put it...

I think it'd be nice to go ahead and buy the game and have it pop up on my phone when it's released.

"pro gaming" = angry white kids

You know what would be cool?

It appears to have been a grammatical Rorschach test.

Ran out of time; this was the best I could do with your composite request.

Guys, you're reading it wrong. It doesn't say "both of the current-gen systems," it says "both current- and next-gen systems." He's talking about two groups: both the group of current-gen systems (360, PS3, Wii) AND the group of next-gen systems.

I don't really see it that way. They used it as a neat excuse for a fun vacation. Part of the game is the challenge it introduced and trying to figure out how to meet that. Some people live for that sort of challenge and really, how can you bad mouth the experience that it created for them?