
While you're busy complaining, the rest of us will be over here playing GOTY contender Super Mario 3D World, thanks.

Now playing

Let's all ignore gaga's hideous new look and relax with some pon pon pon

Fuck yeah, great game. Great adaptation of a would-be CCG.

You know what other game with Phantom in the title needs to come back?

I can't say enough about this game. Kinda irked Microsoft Games Studios US didn't publish this one back then (Majesco did a compotent job). I had blast playing local multiplayer and a few online matches back in my senior year of college. Fired it up a few years ago and mechanically the game is still sound, and

Did someone say Phantom Dust?!?

That's censorship.

You obviously have never heard of 'Fair Use'.

There's a lot of buzz about this one. The timing of the release is a bit of a sting for Microsoft though. We'll know which sells more and can be crowned Queen by Saturday morning!

I'll bee here all week.

The part where a wise but barely dressed woman is telling you, in solemn tones, about the death of one of your parents all the while her breasts jiggle up and down does indeed make the boob physics feel superfluous. Gratuitous, too.

Those reviews you posted average out to a decent review, you realize that right? What is it you "knew"?

Because you can only be game critic if you agree with every other game critic?

"Tranny" is a slur. I'd rather not read it on our site. I'm dismissing this thread.

Hope it isn't for 360 too. That would suck.

The mistake was you didn't read.

The internet gave him a heaping cup of rat poison. I'm pretty sure I'd call that reaction irrational too, even if there were drops of water in the cup.

Compare Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo to Forza 4 or Gears 3. Also remember that for 3 years or so, multi platform games always had lower resolution and frame rates on PS3.

May i suggest a Honorable mentions section to keep track of past top games which are obvs still worth getting

Stop bodysnarking my boat shaped genitalia.