
Twitch actually has the best chat community of any livestreaming service I've seen!

Does the fact that they're having to patch this feature in post-launch not indicate to you that this was not their original plan? C'mon, dude.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that I suspect this man supplied the voice acting for the character "Trevor."

Whoa. Well, I respect that they sat down and made a video explaining it honestly. That's a good way to handle it!

I completely agree. It's super weird and conspicuous and seems very much at odds with the idea that this is supposed to be LA county.

Is it weird to anyone else that it's a gigantic island? I, uh... I don't remember LA County being a giant island.

"We're making improvements to maximize your online experience" is the funniest, bullshittiest spin in the world.


When I saw this on my phone this morning, I honestly didn't know what to make of it for a few seconds. (In my defense, I didn't had coffee yet.) I wondered, is there a way to actually break a conversation line? Was I looking at some heretofore unseen part of the new Twitter UI?

Actually, packs of Pokemon and Magic cards have always been $3.99 USD or less. Maybe it felt like more when we were kids, though!

In anticipation of Grand Theft Auto V, members of the GTA Forums amused themselves with animated GIFs in an ongoing thread, poking fun at similar games like Saints Row IV, Watch Dogs and The Last of Us.

Now playing

At the expense of bein' all "LOOK AT OUR SHIT TOO," there's also a whole bunch of video footage of the new stuff in action in this here interview:

I loved Sony's conference conference! I also thought the 'jab' was tacky and made them look bad. You can feel both ways at the same time, dude.

And I suppose Sony made the decisions they made out of the goodness of their hearts?

I don't understand, though. What happens after you seal it up? I don't see a handle or any way to transport it. In what way is this a bag? HOW DO I GET THIS TO WORK?

Not everyone does that.

Trust us, we're SUPER bummed to be missing out on all your fun "casually throw the word 'rape' around like it's not a big deal, because it isn't to us, because we're men" parties.

Totally bought the 32GB SD card for my 3DS XL. Gonna spend Friday redownloading every game I ever deleted to make room for new ones. WOO!
