
PLease tell me there are more photos of Trump checking in on more than two victims.

His unparalleled insecurity is absolutely oozing out of those photos. I can’t believe those poor people had to be subjected to him bumbling around after all they’ve been through. What an idiot.

This is true for the majority of middle class white people with investments, dont need to be millionaires 

“Sure, he’s inspiring racial violence and is pushing America into chaos as alienates all of our allies. But he is killing it for my portfolio, and I’ll be dead by 2050, sooo....”

I see Soul Cycle cultists more Marianne Williamson voters.

Mercedes, 1939: “While we disagree with the Fuhrer’s racial rhetoric, we support him on other things, like the Autobahn.  It’s possible to support someone without agreeing on all policies.”

Making decisions by how his base is going to respond to them is a losing strategy.

Tragically, that’s not going to happen. There’s no way in Hell Cheetolini is going to appear in front of an audience he hasn’t fully vetted and can’t entirely control.

His base is going to say that anyway. Might as well get your money’s worth and spit on him.

Didn’t his fourth of July parade completely defund DC’s counterterrorism operations somehow?

I’m shocked. If there’s one thing Trump respects it’s when he hears the word no.

It’s all fuel for his fire. He goes, people get mad at him for going, his base says that he did the decent thing to show support for his nation and he gets spit upon, his martyrdom is strengthened, his base loves him more, his base thinks the left is acting crassly toward a man showing sympathy, Trump tweets that how

This this this x 1000.

He’s visiting because they don’t want him there.

Here’s to hoping this turns into a massive protest of Trump and his entire presidency and the rhetoric he’s been expounding upon for the last 3 years.

Ah yes... remember when Antifa blew up ... (checks notes) Ok, um...

And what about American supremacy?  Doesn’t he appreciate that?

“I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. I don’t like it,” he said. “Whether it’s white supremacy, whether it’s any other kind of supremacy. Whether it’s Antifa.”

This may be the first “lie” he’s ever told while KNOWING that he doesn’t actually believe a word he’s saying. Dude runs words together in something vaguely representing sentences that he “believes” for any quality of “belief” but this is a completely different scenario.