Same. There’s something very Joker-like about her.
Same. There’s something very Joker-like about her.
Also, I don’t believe for a second that JoJo is dressing how she wants. She’s dressing for what keeps up her brand and her business. She’s just as phony as the rest of them, if that’s her point.
I said this above, but I think the other problem is the way the show’s presented her. The main takeaway throughout the last seven seasons has been that Dany is the Female Jon: an underdog who defeated the odds to become a god. The cinematographic choices the producers have made have always been pushing the viewers to…
As others have said, the seeds of her madness have been planted throughout the series. She’s always had a ruthless and often unchecked impatience to seize the throne back. The problem is two-fold:
DON’T TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW OR SPOIL ANYTHING BUT I accidentally read what I’m pretty sure is the ending in a YouTube comment. I was fucking livid. Not because of the ending itself (it’s exactly what I would have predicted) but because someone just put it there, plain as day, for anyone to read. Slash watch. It was a…
This is so fucked up but damn, do I tip my hat to your imagination.
I think the petition is ludicrous. Not only because of the entitlement it reeks of from the fans but also because LOL, yeah right like HBO is just going to spend all that money and rehire all those people to retcon the most popular show on TV.
I was thinking about this. I never read the books so I don’t know what she does but it would be cool if she came back and to see the look on all the Stark kids’ faces.
This is the only ending that makes sense. And holy shit will it piss off those fans creating petitions for HBO to redo the eighth season. Riots in the streets. Stay home on Monday.
The Deuce was great the first season; I couldn’t get into the second but maybe I’ll try again.
Oh, I wouldn’t be ashamed to say I’ve read all of Trout’s 50 Shades recaps (I am ashamed to say I actually read the books themselves) (I am also compelled to clarify that at first I thought they were unintentionally hilarious, then quickly got very bored and angry).
She’s also top of her game when it comes to demonstrating why the writing is so bad. Obviously the story/plot/characters are bad, but so is the technical composition itself. Trout points out all the weird phrasing, non-sequiturs, inconsistencies, cliches, et al. Her blog is good not only for the hate (delight) it…
I have a different perception of the show because I never read the books, but I wonder if in the books - when they get to the bitter end and Jaime realizes Cersei’s about to die - he’ll have the same sympathy.
What olivia said, plus it gives Cersei motivation to be a stone-cold beaver this last season - enough to hold on to King’s Landing for any amount of time. Realistically Cersei would have killed herself once Tommen did and all her children were dead. But we need her to stick around and be a villain (and credit where…
THANK EWWWWWWEEEEEE. I enjoyed the Jaime/Cersei scene on its own (my lord is it lovely to watch Lena/Cersei have an existential panic), but I was expecting something way more dramatic. Like, Jaime kisses Cersei and then SIKE dagger through the chest.
This is such a fair defense of Danaerys. Well done. My only nit to pick is that she could have flown straight for the Red Keep (which of course didn’t have any balistas, because fuck reason on this show) instead of zig-zagging around glazing the whole city in dragon fire. She willfully chose genocide. I don’t hate…
I listened to a fresh take-y kinda podcast where the hosts surmised that it also sort of works if you think of Tyrion as the Valonqar. He may have been trying to save Cersei, but in the end, it was his route that got her kilt.
I wouldn’t say Jaime’s redemption arc was for nothing. For one, he was good long enough to “help” save the day against the White Walkers (or at least, like, show up and confirm he was on the right side of history there). For another, the truest thing about Jaime is that he’s addicted to his sister. It’s something he…
What kind of bothered me was that Dany chose to execute Varys but... NO ONE ELSE??? If she’s that concerned about The Secret then surely she’d remove every threat as soon as she could, especially the most high-profile ones like Jon and Tyrion, especially considering her new violent, “fear is the only way” mentality.