My favorite snippet that she pointed out was when Christian’s mom showed up unannounced at his apartment and said she wanted to have coffee with him. A few paragraphs later...
He also seems to go for the vulgar (“grab’em by the pussy”), and tits is a bit more aggressive/crass of a word than “boobies.” He might throw in a “titties” here and there.
Totally 100% agree. You’re also an asshole if you go to self-checkout with a cart full of small items and produce. You cannot do this faster than the cashier+bagger. Please stop wasting everyone’s time.
Late to the party here but I admire that woman and wish I had the same authority at the self-checkout aisle. Maybe I can make a citizen’s arrest.
I tooooooootally thought either the Night King was just gunna open his mouth and start speaking plain English, or Bran would say something majorly fucked up that would reveal they’d been in cahoots the whole time, or both. I know the Bran Stare is creepy and mysterious but the way he was looking at NK seriously led me…
They did an episode on Blank Check (a podcast that reviews series of films by big-name directors, ie, people who got a “blank check” to make whatever they want). They also did an episode on Saved by the Bell Reviewed, which was a group of people that reviewed every episode of SBTB. They eventually ran out of episodes…
That’s sad and all, but I maintain my opinion: her character was kind of annoying. I would’ve been fine if Jorah lived to carry on the name of House Mormont.
I agree with all of this. Cersei is way more fun to watch than Dany and Jon (although I really enjoyed Dany without Jon). I think Sansa and Tyrion together would be the best candidates for the Iron Throne, but you’re right: Sansa would never want to leave the North.
Blowing up a cathedral isn’t exactly the definition of separation between church and state. Cersei is the same as the Mad King: she’s said out loud on numerous occasions that she’s only out to protect herself and her kids and doesn’t care if the world burns in the process. Her only political motivation is destroying…
I hate this, though. I hate that after everything that happened last night CERSEI has the upper hand and her stupid bitchy plan worked.
Throw in Tormund and I’ll join you on a class action lawsuit
I’m totally fine with Arya killing the Night King, but I should clarify a) I’m not a book reader, and b) I give zero fucks about Jon Snow; he is a mopey wet blanket who has done little to win over my sympathy, despite the vast lengths to which he has gone.
Jon and Dany felt pretty useless last night, and lately in general. I think one or both of them is going to be dead by the finale, but I’m curious to see how they’ll reconcile Jon’s true identity, I guess.
LOL, Twitter pointed out Jon cruising past Sam so I went back and rewatched. Jon was probably like “that asshole is always bragging about being the first guy to kill a White Walker, he can deal.”
I read a good recap I think in the New Yorker(?) that pointed out that any character with a name tag was still standing at the end of the episode. Like, any character who your 60-year-old parents could name. And yes, that does seem strange to me. Brienne, Jaime, Pod, and Sam in particular were all tackled by many…
I am so salty about Cersei not getting her due. If anyone should have to face off a horde of ice zombies it’s the one who sees one and is like LOL you guys deal with it. What’s more, HER PLAN WORKED. SHE WAS RIGHT. Cersei was the biggest fool on this whole show at the end of last season yet somehow she was the one who…
On the whole I loved this episode but I’m SUPER PISSED that it made Cersei right. Cersei got her way. Dany’s army is basically gone. I’m OK with the existential threat of the show being taken care of so quickly if there’s going to be a compelling story to watch for the Iron Throne (bringing this show back to what it…
Oh, I was confused because the Night King’s eyes went frosty at the exact same time (and I think Bran’s warged into the Night King before, or at least was able to share the same vision).