
Not only does Trump 100% represent the GOP - the freaking GOP picked him to represent them.

When all this is over and the dust settles (inshallah) every person who has held office as a Republican after 1994 (maybe even 1968 if it’s in the budget) needs to have his/her name engraved on a granite wall, six inches high and six inches deep, under a heading of “Enemies of the Republic.”

Exactly. They’re xenophobic, racist, isolationist, warmongering, lying, child-abusing, hypocritical, misogynistic, and anti-science and have been for decades. Trump is the EPITOME of the GOP.

It’s amazing how everyone of these Republicans seem to have never heard of the southern strategy and how it’s shaped the GOP. These fucks are perfectly fine with genteel dogwhistle racism, benevolent misogyny, and homophobia and transphobia disguised as religious freedom. I can buy that some of them were lying to

I think there’s a word for those people. I’m pretty sure it starts with a T.

Given that they have actually been threatening shootings and assassinations if Trump loses (and they don’t seem to be empty threats either. Recently, three men have been arrested for planning to use car bombs on houses of immigrants the day after Election Day), I honestly wouldn’t put it past them to try and pull a

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

I hope you’re not under the delusion that people aren’t going to vote for Trump because of his pervy dalliances. Really, that’s just the cherry turd on the shit sundae. Even if he were entirely asexual, his lack of comprehension or interest in all matters of foreign and domestic policy, his racist and nationalist

Here’s the thing - Bill Clinton is a philanderer and potential douche bag, I’ll grant you that. But at least he presided over the country when the economy was good and he’s actually an acclaimed scholar. He’s legitimately smart and was good at his job.

Trump says we aren’t supposed to bring up things that happened decades ago when it comes to sexual assault.

Well, Hannity and Brietbart seem to have managed to dig up all of three for the entirety of the man’s political career, none of whom are willing to go on record and answer questions from any non-Hannity/Brietbart news source, whereas Trump’s had about 15 and counting now in the past 72 hours alone and responds by

Really weird how Trump will say, in 2 consecutive sentences: “How dare you bring up something that happened way back in 2005?” and“Why aren’t you attacking Bill Clinton for something that happened in 1979?”

You’re right. I will certainly not be voting for this Bill Clinton person.

I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?

Also it’s rather telling that he’s saying that people are bringing this up and ignoring important issues. Sexual assault isn’t a very important issue to these guys, I guess.

This is the most animated I’ve seen him, and I realized why he keeps it under wraps: he’s NASTY. He’s mean and ugly when he wakes up.

Notice how Carson did NOT interrupt Joe? Just Katty. He talked over every word, and he did not want her voice to reach anyone.

Well, in the other jez article, commenter Mi-no Skye shows us this particular example...

If this isn’t a perfect metaphor for what his party is trying to do to all women, silence us, then I don’t know what is.