
Buzzfeed gave him thirsty tweets to read, this was one of them, it’s not that serious

Sure would love to hear Diana Moskovitz’s take on this development but Spanfeller is a fucking piece of shit. 

May I point out that Janet, who knows everything, pronounced Gif with the “G” sound, showing for once and for all that this is how it’s pronounced.

I’m conflicted about this because I have plenty of hate in my heart for both HOAs and early Christmas decorations.

So you’re saying the relationship between this family and their homeowners association has become a bit ... frosty?

As I said above, they can must say:

If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.

I’d settle for a food site that could tell me what to do with Herbs…

If only there were some dedicated sports journalists on a specialist site to write about this kind of stuff…

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with

oh, good, that narrows it down


Where is he located? 

Best mythical creature: Deadspin

You know what creatures I WISH were mythical?

Starting a GoFundMe to pay bail for anyone willing to kick Jim Spanfeller in the nuts.

Have you guys heard of the mythical Span Jimfeller? It’s actually super scary, just this like raving lunatic monster with no loyalty or savvy. Super fucked up.

Brent Norwalk is a Jim Spanfeller. Prick their ego and boom they’re a baby.

Nothing shows how hopeless Brent is than the fact that he thinks being the starting QB of the Bears is a good thing. There is most of 100 years of history proving otherwise.