you're mother, for god's sake. So sorry. probably the worst person to be someone's "Dr. Luke" would be their mother. Because everyone already has mother issues to begin with, but then....
you're mother, for god's sake. So sorry. probably the worst person to be someone's "Dr. Luke" would be their mother. Because everyone already has mother issues to begin with, but then....
unless it's your prime minister. and he's talking about first nations.
yes, as I just said above, we call this "sweeping" in my house
holy shit......I just tried to read your description of the terminator scene to my husband and describe why it was just like what a cat does and i spit my tea out because i was laughing so hard
We call it Sweeping. Sometimes we will then push our cat around (back first) and dry-mop and he loves it. Or we spin him in circles - like one hand under the front legs and the other on the lower back - and just spin hand over hand really fast. And his fur gets kind of staticky.
When I left California to move back to the Midwest, I said "well it will be fine because people are so nice in the Midwest."
Honey, here's how this has-a-degree-in-women's-studies-feminist does it: swerves off the road, gets out in heel boots and skirt, looks around and kicks some snow, nice young man in truck pulls up, woman gives very well established 60-second assessment of man (decent, non-threatening, nice, wanting to score man points,…
Here's what's going in my living will: If I should ever find myself brain dead and pregnant and located in a state that prohibits the discontinuing of life support to pregnant women, my next of kin and medical providers are ordered to transfer me to a facility in another state where my "life sustaining" treatments may…
I agree with you. Though certainly tragic for the family, I think this needs to be scrutinized to hell.
Doug Barry, I wish you wouldn't have referred to her as a "pregnant woman". "She" is really a dead body being mechanically ventilated for the purposes of her uterus. Calling her a pregnant woman insinuates that there is still life there (in the mother) that somehow we should be saving.
Well, I do tend to agree with you that Palin used her child as a prop and I was really saddened by it. But in this case I think it's just a family picture. There's a ton of nuance. And I do agree that the right wing just went nuts because they could and because they are nuts anyway and its just, like, a natural…
I'm with you there, lady.
That kid looks like he's running away as fast as possible after his parent's just told him about sex - and warned him sternly about penis captivus.
a spider crawling out over my rearview mirror and me crashing head-on on the freeway
Are you kidding WinglessVictory, men would love this.
Wait a minute - so if someone in your family is a different race you can't take a family photo because then it's a prop? I'll remember that from now on - no cameras....
Let me sum up your comment:
Hello, eBay?
Um, can I come over?
Can I just say: who doesn't want to have a beer with this guy?