Pentiment is in my Top 5 All-Time. I’m glad PS users will be able to play it now. It is incredible.

Don’t drive it in the rain or get it wet? Is this a truck or a museum piece? What an utter shit show.

Some Cybertruck owners say their fellow Cybertruckers are blowing things out of proportion, and one said it’s a good idea to not “ it in the rain, or get it wet.

Can we infer from this expected dip in hardware sales that the rumored “PS5 Pro” isn’t coming this year?

I can’t think war is terrible if I enjoy playing shooters?

The fact that Sackboy got ported before Ghost of Tsushima is definitely... something. Sony works in mysterious ways.

If you’re reading this, please don’t buy this DLC. Destiny 2 needs to learn the hard way. 

Go ahead and read out loud that second, large type, bold line above the third paragraph.

Where’s the “PSVR2 and More” part that was specifically called out in the article in large point, bold font?

I hope these people continue to fail, because blaming anyone but themselves for that trash they put out and the resulting dumpster fire that ensued is insane.

Great. Now fade in obscurity and don’t come back

Yeah ngl I’m pretty psyched it’s coming to GamePass

I definitely do not think it’s a scam, and it actually looks really good! Eurogamer has a great video on youtube about it, they really liked it! I was actually a bit surprised how positive all the early reception has been so far.

There’s also a demo if you want to see if it presses the right buttons for you. 

I’ll miss NFT’s for the only reason that I enjoyed the drama lol

As a dad of two young boys, this drives me crazy. Just fucking live and don’t hurt anyone. Nothing else. You want to play Tetris? Fucking play it until your fingers bleed. You want to ride your bike? Ride it. I will never understand people’s need to downplay a kid’s (or an adult’s) passions. My parents had me second

Who isn’t affording the company the benefit of the doubt?

I have no problem saying that I am totally unaware of them. I have a lot of things going on in my life to pay attention to.. White nationalists arent among them

I call bullshit on NOBODY at the company knowing. Someone at that turd factory knew *exactly* what they were doing.

I am a bigger WW2 buff than most and I had no idea it meant that. I feel like if you aren’t a Nazi then it doesn’t mean that.