Title: Sweet quality of life upgrades!

Your Curly Brace body pillow doesn’t count.

wow i’m so shocked to see the same audience who freaked out over a $10 increase in videogames balking at the price.

This is 100% not obscene for professional VR. The Varjo XR3 starts at nearly double this price and it’s PC VR only. Make no mistake, I still think this is an outrageous price but don’t be confused as to what real Professional/Enterprise VR actually costs.

I was gonna say, given how middling Redfall is, maybe it's not a bad thing for them to use some CG trailers!

With all due respect to Xbox they should worry more about the content of their first party games and not the trailers for them... they haven’t release a good first party game in a minute.

I’m sure the drop to 4.9 would feel much more devastating than it should.”

Not an author myself, but I know enough math to put more trust on 4.3 stars out of 573 reviews than 5 stars out of 8 reviews. 

If you have to tell people you’re a comedian, you aren’t.

what is it with people always saying “it’s a joke!!” being so painfully unfunny?

Anyone wanna guess the amount of women he’s stalked/creeped/assaulted?

Gamers(tm) are a disease. Wow, you can hit a 1080 jumpshot in csgo on Dust2? big deal. Call me when you hit Volunteer of The Week. A lot of these so-called gaming gods are failson manbabies whose parents indulged their hobbies far too much and juuuuust happened to develop solid mechanical skills.

FaZe continues to look like the worst examples of gaming culture. I hope she gets out of the contract cleanly, though I’d prefer this shitstain of a human being get the boot instead, because this is some straight up harassment from Rain.

I don’t want GameStop to turn around, I want them to go away. If your business can’t succeed without exploiting your workers then your business does not deserve to succeed.

Renewables are doing just fine, unless you’re a spokesman for the ‘other’ energy interests. 

For me, the absolute last thing I want is work friends. You’re lucky I bother to learn your name.

You are the reason more people want to stay home and not babysit people who can’t make friends outside of the office. 

I’ve never made a friend at work and never really wanted to.

Exactly! Deep into quarantine my team was having Zoom happy hour, laughing over drinks and having an awesome time.

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very