Is that you John Oliver?

Bloody hell, I sure can. Riddle me with arrows, you Irish Amazon. Impale me with your electric spear, you muscular cavewoman.

No. Your definition of aesthetics isn't important.

All I hear is “Wah! Wah! I can’t fap to that!”

Well, thanks for ruining the game we will get, as this is now what I want to see.

I knew they would of course. That’s fine. 

It wasn’t meant to be smug. It’s just something I’ve noticed over the years. How online multiplayer shooters are becoming the main genre of certain gamers. They no longer play single player games. That makes me sad.

No offense to anyone who just plays online multiplayer shooters. That’s a form of gaming, but more rooted in competition and showing off. For me a real modern day video game is something like, Elden Ring. That’s what it’s all about.

I don’t even like to get e-mails from actual humans, so getting them from fictional characters and video games is completely unacceptable.

I do wonder if Far Cry games, and the Ubisoft formula at large, is just not good for critics. I played AC: Valhalla over many weeks. Took some breaks here and there, and just gradually made my way through it. And I enjoyed it!

However, I can’t imagine playing it under a time crunch, and if I had, I would have given it

Congrats, you managed to write a 383 word summary of a 7 word update. Did you lose bet or something?

I’m all ready to strap my big boy pants on and preparing myself (bladder, easy meals) to spend a shit ton of time on Starfield.

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

more like:

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.


Pictures are necessary. There is an ad over every category of plant but as for the suggestions for improving the view... we have to look up the plant. Thankfully when you look at the plant, you can find it other sites with images and lists of their own. 

She sounds like a sociopath who should be tried as an adult and institutionalized. Her friends should also be tried as accessories. 

That was a very, very good series finale. Not as good as The Good Place but definitely up there.

Yeah, exfuckingscuse me? It was a major contester for GoTY.