Unlike Joe Biden who is a holy saint, if you ignore the groping, and support of segregation that is
Unlike Joe Biden who is a holy saint, if you ignore the groping, and support of segregation that is
Some donated over 1,000,000 pieces, a monumental task that included in part pressing the button to donate over and over again for six hours each week. Those players no longer have any way of showcasing that to the rest of the community.
You’re so cool.
So a Land Rover Discovery??? I thought Ford and Land Rover parted ways?
If you’re in the mood for some good Alt Punk Emo check out the latest from Hot Mulligan “you’ll be fine”
Every gun is loaded.
I feel the same way about shoveling the driveway. Super satisfying. Not that I would turn down a free snowblower, but I just like watching the progress meter fill up. The progress meter being a neatly cleared driveway.
Honestly, this is one of those games would benefit more from a TV series adaptation than a movie adaptation. Those that have enough story content that they’d suffer for being condensed down to a 2 hour or so runtime.
I really really really hope he pulls through. But everytime I see his name trending I just kinda assume the worst. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. One day you look like your pulling through and the next... I’m going by experience. When it comes, its fast. To paraphrase Jimmie Rogers, he’s like a lion but I just…
Hopefully Vanessa brings civil suits against each and every officer that was there and either took photos, or saw others taking photos and said nothing.
30-days desk duty (appealed by the union), calling it now.
Alternatively, his mom lives lives in the attic of his house.
Hopefully she told him that sharing death photos as part of a pickup is fucking depraved, and that he can go home with his dates Righty and Lefty.
This has been pointed out to Jez writers before but they conveniently ignore it because it doesn’t fit their irrational-hatred-of-Pete-Davidson agenda. Nor does the fact that with his mental health issues, it makes sense for him to have a close relative living nearby.
I think it’s important to note that Pete lives in the basement of the house he bought for his mom, not just “his mom’s basement.”
Both seconded. We’re having identical Fridays.
Hey assholes, ok I’ll try PSNow out. For Ni No Kuni.
I’m weak. I would have done the same thing.
In Iceland this is a comedy.